
  • 网络Distribution According to Capital
  1. 浅析社会主义经济中的按资分配

    The Distribution According to Capital in the Socialist Economy

  2. 按资分配与按劳分配是分配制度中两种重要的分配方式。二者的关系是研究按劳分配与按生产要素分配相结合的重要内容。

    The distribution according to capital and work are two important distribution ways , the relationship of which is an important content to study how distribution according to work is combined with distribution according to production factors .

  3. 马克思认为,资本是靠暴力获得的,资本主义社会的按资分配是不正义的。

    Marx considered that the capital is obtained by violence and that the capital-based distribution in the capitalism is unjust .

  4. 关于劳动价值论与分配理论的关系,按资分配与消灭剥削的关系,公平与效率的关系,是社会主义分配理论中的几个重要关系。

    About the relations between labor value theory , between distribution by capital and eliminate the exploitation , between fair and efficiency , are important relations on socialism distribution theory .

  5. 在重新审视社会财富公平分配含义的同时,应关注按资分配的消极成分并进行制度化的政策调控。

    While re examining the implication of fair distribution of social wealth , one should pay close attention to the negative elements of distribution according to capital and regulate it with systematized policies .

  6. 会计师事务所按资分配的基础不仅仅是投入会计师事务所的非人力资本,而且还应包括合伙人未投入会计师事务所的非人力资本;

    The foundation for distribution according to the capital input includes not only the non-human resources have been input to the accounting firm , but also those owned by the partner outside the accounting firm .

  7. 社会财富分配方式中引入按资分配因素对我国现阶段有效利用社会经济资源、推动经济发展和科技进步具有不可估量的积极效用。

    Introduction of distribution according to capital into social wealth distribution is of immeasurable positive effectiveness in efficacious utilization of social economic resources and motivation of economic development and science and technology progress in present China .

  8. 所以按资分配虽重要,但资本决不能制造产品,创造价值,所以“分取”的数量有一个界限,超过界限就称为剥削。

    So , altogether distribe according to the capital is important , but the capital can not create productions and value , so the quantity of " get " has a boundary , go beyond the limit is called exploitation .

  9. 在市场经济运行中,必然存在资本剥削,但从整个社会的角度看,这种按资分配是劳动者当家作主的社会对资本所有者的一种奖励。

    In the process when market economy is practiced , exploitation of capital is inevitable , but when viewed as a whole , such exploitation is a kind of bonus given by a laborers ' society to those who possess capital .

  10. 深化马克思资本理论研究的现实意义是,对社会主义条件下存在并需要大力发展的私人资本及按资分配的收入的属性作出正确的价值判断。

    The real significance of deepening the studies on the Marxist theory of capital in more depth is to make an accurate assessment of private capital that exists and needs to be vigorously developed under socialist conditions , and the income accruing from distribution according to capital .

  11. 实行企业员工持股制度,有利于形成一种按劳分配与按资分配相结合的新型利益均衡机制。

    Carring out ESOP is benefit for forming a new type of balance of profit mechanism consisting of distribution according to work and capital .

  12. 公有资本分配受公有生产的决定,在社会主义市场经济条件下采取了双重分配模式,即按劳分配与按资分配相结合的模式。

    The distribution of public capital , decided by the production of it , adopts the double distribution mode under socialist market economy , namely combining the distribution according to work and capital together .

  13. 个人收益分配中包含按生产要素分配或按资分配的内容是我国分配制度改革的重大理论突破和理论创新。

    Inclusion of distribution according to elements of production or capital in personal income distribution is a great theoretical breakthrough and innovation in China 's distribution system reform .

  14. 按生产要素贡献参与分配的实质是按资分配,即等量资本获取等量利润。

    So the distribution of essential factors of production is the distribution of capital by nature & equal amount of capital can get equal amount of profit .

  15. 在按技术分配与其他分配方式的关系中,我们论证了按技术分配通过促进技术进步来提高劳动与资本的贡献份额来扩大按劳分配和按资分配的作用范围。

    In the relation between distribution according to technology and other distribution mode , we demonstrate distribution according to technology elevates the contribution quotient of labor and capital to broaden the operative range of distribution according labor and distribution according capital .