
  • 网络yangzhou storytelling
  1. 从王派《水浒》看扬州评话的艺术形态特征

    A Probe into the Features of the Artistic Form of Yangzhou Storytelling via Water Margin by the Wang School

  2. 王少堂所代表的“王派《水浒》”正是扬州评话艺术形态的典范。

    Water Margin performed by the Wang School led by Wang Shaotang just typifies the grace of the art .

  3. 通过扬州评话《武松》与《水浒传》文本的对照,指出水浒故事曲艺实际上是对《水浒传》的一种重新创造,《水浒传》在曲艺传播过程中呈现出一种新的风貌。

    By comparing Yangzhou words " Wu Song " and " Water Margin " text , Water Margin story of folk art is actually recreated from the " Water Margin " . " Water Margin " shows spread a new style in the process of folk art .