
chéng jiāo
  • deal;turnover;clinch a deal;close a deal;conclude a transaction;strike a bargain;signing of contract
成交 [chéng jiāo]
  • (1) [close a deal;signing of contract;conclude a transaction]∶买卖双方达成一项或一笔交易

  • 拍板成交

  • (2) [strike a bargain]∶说定并认可的条件

  • 以这种非正式方式成交了

成交[chéng jiāo]
  1. 由于价高他们不能成交。

    They were unable to strike a bargain because of the high price .

  2. 如您给我2%的折扣,我想我们可以成交。

    I think we can strike a bargain with you if you allow me a 2 % discount .

  3. 他一直举棋不定,找出种种理由不予成交。

    He kept waffling and finding excuses not to close the deal .

  4. 他们接着会拖延生意的成交。

    They will then hang back on closing the deal

  5. 我们说服他们降了价,成交了。

    We talked them down and struck a deal

  6. 我们已进行了有益的磋商,我相信我们很快能成交。

    We have had meaningful negotiations and I believe we are very close to a deal

  7. 经过一星期的谈判,他们的食糖生意成交了。

    They closed the deal in sugar after a week of negotiation .

  8. 他们与我们谈判业务并当场成交。

    They discussed business and concluded transactions with us on the spot .

  9. 拍卖品全部成交,无一流标。

    All the items were bid for and sold at the auction .

  10. 他提出了一个十分合理的价格,所以我马上与他成交。

    He made me quite a reasonable offer , so I closed with him .

  11. 我愿告诉你有笔生意已按每吨100元成交。

    I wish to advise you that business has been done at100 yuan per ton .

  12. 这项交易顺利成交。

    The deal went through all right .

  13. 那两个人经过一番讨价还价以后,决定成交。

    After they had haggled for sometime , the two men decided to close the bargain .

  14. 经过一番讨价还价,双方以6000元成交

    Pass argy-bargy one time , both sides clinches a deal with 6000 yuan .

  15. 经过一番简短的讨论,他们同意这个梦以300枚金币成交。

    After a brief discussion , they agreed to the sum of 300 coins .

  16. 那两个人经过一番讨价还价以后,决定成交

    After they had haggled for some time , the two men decided to close the bargain .

  17. “七个中的第一个,也就是说下面还埋着六个呢。”杰迪明白了,他开始对这桩仓促成交的买卖感到后悔。

    The first of seven . That means there should be six more pots buried , Jehdi understood , starting to regret the deal he had concluded too quickly .

  18. 艺术大师爱德华•蒙克的油画巨作《呐喊》于2012年5月2日在纽约的一家拍卖行成交。最后成交价为1.2亿美元,成为拍卖史上最昂贵的油画之一。

    Edvard Munch 's iconic artwork The Scream was sold on 2 May 2012 in a New York auction2 house for $ 120 million , making it one of the most expensive paintings ever auctioned3 .

  19. 对于申报的成交价格的准确性,各成员可使用其他与WTO一致的方法。

    Other WTO-consistent means were available to Members doubting the veracity of declared transaction values .

  20. 好吧.开工后,给我15个工作日,我就再降个百分之十.10天如何?我要12天,否则免谈.成交.Vocabulary重要词汇bottomline总价底线

    Mel : Okay.Give me fifteen working days from start to finish and I 'll lower the price 10 % .

  21. 据知情人士透露,约80万人向e租宝投资,成交总额近400亿人民币。

    Sources close to the investigation said , roughly 800000 people had invested nearly 40 billion yuan in Ezubo .

  22. 他的另一幅作品《丹枫白雪》(LandscapeinSnow)手卷以1.84亿港元的高价成交,刷新他本人作品成交价纪录。

    His ' Landscape in Snow ' sold for HK $ 184 million - a record auction price for the artist .

  23. 网上一元竞拍现实成交关键因素研究:&基于eBay网络Mp3竞拍的实证

    The Research on Key Factors of the Real Transaction Completes of One Yuan Internet Auction

  24. 私营数据提供商中国房地产指数系统(ChinaRealEstateIndexSystem)公布,4月份该系统监测的44个主要城市房产累计成交面积环比下降9%,同比下降19%。

    Private data provider China Real Estate Index System said property sales by volume in the 44 cities they track fell 9 % in April from the prior month and 19 % compared with a year earlier .

  25. SalesPipeline:一个公司常常在一系列阶段之间对销售机会进行分类,这定义了能够最终成交并为此开帐单的可能性有多大。

    Sales Pipeline . A company categorizes sales opportunities between a series of stages , which defines how likely it is to actually win a job and bill for it .

  26. 你就是Haley只不过老了40岁10岁20岁成交

    You are haley , just ... 40 years older . 10.20 . Deal .

  27. 京都议定书生效后全球CER成交状况分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Status of Global CER Transaction after Effectiveness of Kyoto Agreement

  28. 他说:做汽车生意没人能比Joe叔叔更在行。他销售汽车有三十年了,已经成了和顾客讲价成交的专家。这里knowtheropes意思还是熟知内情、掌握秘诀。

    4 : Nobody knows the ropes about the auto business better than my Uncle Joe . He 's been selling cars for thirty years and he 's become an expert at closing deals with customers .

  29. 淡马锡也是中国阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的早期投资者。后者作为电子商务巨擘,年成交额已经超过2500亿美元,比亚马逊(Amazon)和eBay加起来还要多。

    Temasek was an early investor in China 's Alibaba , an e-commerce titan whose annual transactions today exceed $ 250 billion , or more than Amazon and eBay combined .

  30. 在1996年JFK俱乐部拍卖现场,成交价要高于25万美元。

    In an actual auction in 1996 JFK 's clubs went for more than a quarter of a million .