
  • 网络pyrophobia;aversion to heat
  1. 改善甲亢心悸、心烦、恶热、多汗、失眠症状两组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05);

    And the efficacy in improving palpitation , fidget , aversion to heat , sweating and insomnia was better in the TG than that in the CG respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 次症指标选择口干喜饮、恶热喜冷、消谷善饥、腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、五心烦热、口臭、便结、尿黄。

    The secondary CM symptom included dry mouth and inclining of drink , disliking of hot and liking of cold , polyorexia , anergia knees and loin , dizziness and tinnitus , burning sensation of five centers , halitosis , dry stool and yellowish or reddish urine .

  3. 吲哚啉环上5位的取代基对螺恶嗪热消色过程也有影响。5位的给电子基团能稳定开环体,热消色速率降低,寿命延长。

    It was also found that the electron-donating groups in the5-position of indoline moiety could stabilize the colored forms and then low the thermal decay date .

  4. 二口恶英治理的热技术包括高温过燃烧技术、红外脱毒技术、等离子体高温分解技术、熔盐脱毒技术、超临界水氧化技术、原位玻璃化技术等;

    The thermal technologies included high temperature over-burning , infrared destruction , plasma arc pyrolysis , molten salt destruction , supercritical water oxidation , in situ vitrification , and etc.

  5. 既往慢性病或症的发生率与恶低温饮食、恶凉性饮食、喜较烫饮食及恶热性饮食的发生率之间呈高度正相关;

    High positive correlation was shown between previous incidence rate of chronic diseases or syndromes and incidence rate of aversion to low temperature diet , aversion to cool nature diet , preference to high temperature diet and aversion to hot nature diet ;

  6. 恶低温饮食、恶凉性饮食、喜较烫饮食及恶热性饮食等不同体质状态,在同一人体中重叠出现率大于单独出现率。

    Repeated presence rate of different constitution status such as aversion to low temperature diet , aversion to cool nature diet , preference to high temperature diet and aversion to hot nature diet in the same man was higher than solo presence rate .