
  • 网络acute illness;Acute disease
  1. 研究表明,当中枢神经系统遭受损伤或患某种急性疾病时,血脑屏障受到破坏或通透性发生改变,患者血清中MBP的含量明显增高。

    Some researches have revealed the increase of serum MBP concentration in the patients suffered from trauma or acute disease of CNS , while the blood-spinal or blood-brain barrier was destructed .

  2. 科学家表示,在美国土壤中自然存在的镉浓度不足以引发急性疾病。

    Scientists say that the cadmium occurring naturally in American soil is not high enough to cause acute disease .

  3. 译为:目的:为了评估急性疾病的心血管结果,住院病人有心肌钙蛋白I水平最小限度的升高和正常磷酸肌酸激酶MB的分数。

    Objective : To evaluate the cardiovascular outcome of acutely ill , hospitalized patients with minimal troponin I increase with normal creatine phosphokinase MB fraction .

  4. 在PICU治疗的患儿慢性健康状态对严重急性疾病易感性的影响

    The influence of chronic health conditions on susceptibility to severe acute illness of children treated in PICU

  5. 确保自己不患急性疾病是十分重要的。

    Insuring yourself against a critical illness is very important .

  6. 结论老年病和急性疾病是甘肃省贫困农村地区主要的医疗卫生服务需求;

    CONCLUSIONS The aged disease and EDTS is the urgent need in poor rural area ;

  7. 拉沙病毒性出血热是发生在西非的一种病程1-4周的急性疾病。

    Lassa viral haemorrhagic fever is an acute illness of1-4 weeks duration that occurs in West Africa .

  8. 构成食品致害损害赔偿和惩处责任的损害事实,主要有两种情况:一种是食物中毒事故,即人们吃了有毒的食物而引起的急性疾病;

    There are mainly two kinds of situation which constitute the harming facts of damaging compensation and punishing responsibility resulted by food harming .

  9. 横纹肌溶解症是一种可由运动等多种原因所致的急性疾病,均有肌酸激酶增高,常合并急性肾衰竭。

    Rhabdomyolysis was an acute disease caused by more etiology such as exercise , with the high CK value and acute renal failure .

  10. 在他们的等候时间内,患者可以浏览健康教育录像以了解他们的急性疾病,长期健康状况和医疗程序中的关键问题。

    During their wait time patients can view educational videos in private to learn about critical matters involving their acute illness , chronic condition and procedures .

  11. 方法:研究对象为排除了已确诊的糖尿病、急性疾病、外伤手术、急、慢性肝病、妊娠妇女及其它患有影响糖代谢疾病患者的健康体检者。

    Methods : To eliminate some patients with DM , acute diseases , surgery , acute or chronic hepatitis , pregnancy and the diseases that could affect metabolism of sugar by questionnaire , Other patients were tested OGTT .

  12. 此外,在失重状态下长时间漂浮会导致急性疾病,比如视网膜血管发生不可逆转的变化导致视力下降,骨骼会流失钙和骨质。

    Also , floating in prolonged zero gravity can cause acute medical conditions , such as irreversible changes to blood vessels in the retina , leading to vision degradation , and the skeleton can leach calcium and bone mass .

  13. 对于基本的急性疾病,一位没有医保的病人在零售诊所要花60美元(不含检查),在医生那里是60至110美元,在急症室还要贵几百美元。

    For basic acute ailments , an uninsured person will spend about $ 60 ( without tests ) at a retail clinic , compared with $ 60 to $ 110 at a doctor 's office or hundreds more in an ER .

  14. 我国高原地区幅员辽阔,低压缺氧是高原地区的主要环境特征,大部队进驻高原容易产生缺氧反应,严重时可导致肺水肿、脑水肿等急性疾病。

    China is a vast plateau region . Hypobaric hypoxia at high altitude is the main feature of the environment . Hypoxia response can lead to severe pulmonary edema , cerebral edema and other acute diseases when the troops enter high altitude area .

  15. 不过话说回来,不管当时你多么兴奋,你总应该量力而行的,过度饮酒通常会引起胃出血或肝脏和胰脏的急性疾病,那可不是你的美女同事们能帮得了你的了。

    Seriously , no matter how excited you were , you should have considered your limits . Excessive drinking can result in stomach bleeding or other acute diseases in the liver and pancreas , and that is not something that your beautiful coworkers can help you out .

  16. 结果:高龄、房颤(房扑)、高血压、糖尿病、高血脂、慢性心衰、既往血栓栓塞性疾病、慢阻肺、肿瘤、长时间卧床、急性疾病状况等是导致住院期间发生急性栓塞事件的常见因素。

    Results : Advanced age 、 atria fibrillation ( atrial flutter )、 hypertension 、 diabetes 、 hypercholesteremia 、 chronic heart failure 、 thromboembolism histroy 、 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 、 tumor 、 the varies acute disease or be confined to bed for a long time were commune causes .

  17. SARS病毒是一种新型的冠状病毒,可以引起人类急性传染性疾病&严重急性呼吸综合症(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome,SARS)。

    The SARS-associated coronavirus is a new coronavirus , which caused a novel acute epidemic disease called severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) .

  18. 结论与CRP相比,早期测定外周血TNF水平对评价急性胰腺炎疾病严重程度并无很大的临床意义。

    Conclusion In contrast with CRP , the early determination of serum TNF concentration is of no clinical value in assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis .

  19. 鸭细小病毒病是由鸭细小病毒(duckparvovirusDPV)引起,以雏鸭为易感的急性传染性疾病。

    The duck parvovirus disease is an acute and contagious disease caused by the Duck Parvovirus ( DPV ) .

  20. 目的对2004年4月起在江苏苏北及其邻近地区发生中、小学生爆发急性呼吸道疾病(ARD)流行的集中发热并伴有头痛、头晕、咽痛、扁桃体炎病例进行病因研究。

    Objective Etiology study were conducted on 20 cases with acute respiratory disease ( ARD ) .

  21. CSCS多见于慢性消耗性疾病和急性重症疾病患者。

    The CSCS frequently occurs in patients with consumptive or critical diseases .

  22. 慢性消耗性疾病占本组CSCS病例的800%,急性重症疾病占20.0%。

    The consumptive diseases accounted for 80.0 % of CSCS , and the critical disease for 20.0 % .

  23. 末梢全血CRP测定在儿童急性感染疾病中的应用血清降钙素原在儿童细菌感染性疾病诊断中的意义

    DISCUSSION OF THE APPLICATION VALUE OF CRP ( WHOLE BLOOD ) CHECK IN DIAGNOSING CHILDREN 'S ACUTE INFECTIOUS DISEASE Clinical significance of procalcitonin measurement of bacterial infectious diseases in children

  24. 我们分析了来自改善急性肾脏疾病照护计划(PICARD)&一个ARF多中心观察研究的数据。

    We analyzed data from the Program to Improve Care in Acute Renal Disease ( PICARD ), a multi-center observational study of ARF .

  25. 方法总结采用ENBD治疗26例高龄(≥80岁)急性胆道疾病患者的临床资料。

    Methods ENBD was given to 26 elderly patients (≥ 80 years old ) with acute biliary tract diseases .

  26. 人工肺,也称氧合器,具有调节血液内O2和CO2含量的功能,是治疗急性呼吸疾病和等待肺移植阶段必需的医疗设备,也是心血管手术的辅助医疗设备。

    Artificial lungs , also called as oxygenators , which provid cardiopulmonary bypass during open-heart surgery , perform a function of exchanging O_2 and removing CO_2 from the blood . They also serve as a bridge to lung transplant and a needed appliance for treatment patients with acute respiratory failure .

  27. 【结论】我国儿童血清VA含量低、缺乏率高的儿童不论个体或群体都表现为易于发生急性感染疾病,VAD是引起儿童易于发生急性感染性疾病的重要原因之一。

    [ Conclusion ] In China the individual or group children with low sera vitamin A , high deficiency are more vulnerable to occurrences of infectious disease . This demonstrates that vitamin A deficiency is one of the important factors related to occurrences of acute infectious diseases in children .

  28. 产院新生儿急性呼吸道疾病发病率调查

    Investigation on the incidence of neonatal acute respiratory disease in maternities

  29. 国产蒙脱石治疗急性腹泻疾病173例

    Domestic smectite in treatment of 173 patients with acute diarrhea

  30. 丙肝病毒感染有时会导致急性症状疾病。

    HCV infection sometimes results in an acute symtomatic illness .