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  • microwave oven
微波炉 [wēi bō lú]
  • [microwave oven] 由微波进入食物引起产热效果藉以烹煮食物的炉子

  1. 忘记如何操作一个熟悉的物品,如微波炉,或者忘记如何开车到一个你以前拜访过有很多次的朋友家时,这也是大脑出现问题的征兆。

    Forgetting how to operate a familiar object like a microwave oven , or forgetting how to drive to the house of a friend you 've visited many times before can also be signs of something going wrong .

  2. ZVS高频变换器在新型微波炉电源中的应用

    Application of ZVS High Frequency Inverter in a novel Microwave Oven Power Supply

  3. 烹调结束时,微波炉会发出哔哔的声音。

    The microwave will bleep when your meal is ready .

  4. 微波炉烹饪完毕时会发出哔哔声提醒你。

    The microwave beeps to let you know when it has finished .

  5. 把食物放在微波炉里热热就行了。

    Just heat up the food in the microwave .

  6. 微波炉值得买。

    A microwave is a good investment .

  7. 把汤放到微波炉里重新加热一下。

    Reheat the soup in the microwave .

  8. 维基·布朗到家时发现那些人正在断开她微波炉的开关。

    Vicky Brown arrived home to find the men disconnecting her microwave

  9. 她有个微波炉,不过主要用来解冻面包。

    She has a microwave , but uses it mainly for defrosting bread

  10. 蒸或者用微波炉加热蔬菜,直至蔬菜变软。

    Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender .

  11. 很多度假屋都像自家一样,里面有微波炉、洗碗机、电视机和录像机。

    Many cottages are a home from home , offering microwaves , dishwashers , tvs and videos .

  12. 如果一个机器人不确定一种动物是否适合放到微波炉里的话,它就有机会停下来,发出嘟嘟声,然后问人类它该怎么做。

    If the robot is unsure whether an animal is suitable for the microwave , it has the opportunity to stop , send out beeps , and ask for directions from a human .

  13. 微波炉和快餐连锁店是罪魁祸首,但是大型食品公司才是使家庭厨师成为濒危物种的幕后黑手——它们想尽办法出售商品,却偏偏不卖新鲜食材。

    The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggest catalyst , but the big food companies — which want to sell anything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking — made the home cook an endangered species .

  14. 除了用小微波炉加热食物外,学生不允许在房间里做饭。

    With the exception of using a small microwave ovento heat food , students are not permitted to cook in their rooms .

  15. 但是不久的将来,您可能还会想到微波炉或健身踏车什么的

    But soon , you may think microwave ovens and treadmills too .

  16. 微波炉是一种节约时间的厨具。

    Microwave is a time-saving cooker .

  17. 这一用语也可以被“雪克隆”,就是把土豆一词换成其他没法拍摄视频的东西,比如烤箱、计算器或微波炉。

    The phrase can be also used as a snowclone in which potato is replaced with another object that is ill-equipped for video recording3 , such as a toaster , calculator or microwave .

  18. 利用微波炉和煮沸法快速制备大肠杆菌基因组DNAPCR模板

    Rapid Preparation of PCR Templates of Genomic DNA from Escherichia coli by Using Microwave and Boiling

  19. 任何里面有微处理器的设备都支持C语言。从微波炉到手机,都是由C语言技术来推动的。

    Anything that has a microprocessor in it has support for C.From your microwave to your cell phone , C powers technology .

  20. 此外还进行了微波炉Na2O2&ZnO熔融分解矿样的研究。

    The Na_2O_2 - ZnO fusion of sample using microwave oven was also studied .

  21. 1947年,瑞生公司发明了第一台世界级的微波炉,它称做R。这是在公司员工竞赛时冠军的名字命名的。

    In1947 , Raytheon demonstrated the world 's first microwave oven and called it a " Radarange ," the winning name in an employee contest .

  22. STD工控机在微波炉烹调控制器性能测试中的应用

    The Application of STD Industry Control Computer to the Performance Measurement of Microwave Oven Cooking Controller

  23. 我们的同事布赖恩•X•陈也发现,当他的三星微波炉坏掉时,该公司也表现得十分无能。三星派一个技术员去修了七次,最后才换了货。

    Our co-worker Brian X. Chen found the company was also pretty incompetent when his Samsung oven broke , sending a technician seven times before ultimately replacing it .

  24. 家用微波炉磁控管用碳化La2O3-Mo阴极

    Carbonized La_2O_3-Mo cathode for civil microwave oven magnetron

  25. 在我家的厨房里,这台StudioOne占去了很多宝贵的空间它的宽度跟我家的微波炉一样大价格较低的机型配备的都是有线键盘和鼠标,更是显得凌乱非常。

    In my kitchen , the Studio One took up precious counter space it 's as wide as my microwave and the wired keyboard and mouse on the cheaper models clutter up the counter .

  26. 作者应用c-fos、Rb蛋白抗体和微波炉抗原修复法对人慢性放射性皮肤溃疡进行免疫组织化学研究。

    We performed an immunohistochemical study on human radiation skin ulcer by using antibodies against c-fos and Rb proteins and antigen-repairing method with a microwave oven .

  27. 本文介绍了STD工控机在微波炉烹调控制器性能测试中的应用以及硬件和软件,对其它开关量多点自动检测也具有一定的参考价值。

    In this paper , the author presents the application of STD industry control computer to the performance measurement of microware oven cooking controller , hardware and software .

  28. 如果你是塑料控,那就保证使用的是LDPE塑料。而且无论何种型号,都不能在微波炉中使用。

    If you plastic wrap , ensure it 's LDPE-based plastic , and regardless of what type it is , never use it in the microwave .

  29. 文章就微波炉和磁控管的相关设计与EMI测试关系进行了讨论,在成本和测试效果之间找到了平衡点。

    This article discussed about the relation of the interrelated design of magnetron and microwave oven and EMI test , and tries to find a balance point between cost and test .

  30. 请报给我们微波炉最优惠的CIF价格。请寄横贡缎样品簿和最优惠报价单。

    Please send us your best CIF quotation for micro wave ovens . Please send us a pattern - book and quote the lowest price for sateen .