
  • 网络Pantone;Pantone Inc
  1. 彩通(Pantone)的色彩观察员称,2014年的流行色彩将是一种名为璀璨兰花紫(radiantorchid)的粉紫色。

    The color watchers at Pantone say the ' It ' color of 2014 is a pinky purple known as ' radiant orchid . '

  2. 彩通是总部位于华盛顿的丹纳赫公司(DanaherCorp.)的子公司,每一年它都会调查世界各地的平面设计师、工业设计师、时装设计师及其他设计师以及制造商和零售商,询问他们计划在未来几季采用什么色彩。

    Pantone , owned by Washington , D.C. - based Danaher Corp. , each year polls graphic , industrial , fashion and other designers around the world , as well as manufacturers and retailers , asking what colors they plan to use in coming seasons .

  3. 彩通常常选择红色调或蓝色调中引人驻足的色彩。

    Pantone often chooses stop-you-in-your-tracks colors with hues of red or blue .

  4. 唐宁并未与彩通合作挑选年度色彩。

    Mr. Downing hasn 't been working with Pantone on its color-of-the-year selection .

  5. 该色彩还与彩通提出的2013年度流行色彩翡翠绿形成鲜明对比。

    The hue also offers a sharp contrast with emerald , Pantone 's color of 2013 .

  6. 彩通每年都会选择不同的色彩,因为它想让它们具有新鲜感。

    But Pantone varies its color choices from year to year , because it wants them to feel fresh .

  7. 到彩通公布其年度色彩之时,针对未来一年的设计已在准备当中。

    By the time Pantone unveils its color of the year , designs for the year ahead are already in the works .

  8. 在一个什么事情都融入时尚的时代,彩通大力推广的年度色彩一说可能会引发质疑。

    At a time when anything goes in fashion , Pantone 's heavily marketed ' Color of the Year ' announcement can raise eyebrows .

  9. 从事销售色卡业务并为从汽车到家装的各行各业提供建议的彩通会密切关注这些T台秀。

    Pantone which is in the business of selling color swatches and advice to industries from autos to home decor closely watches these runways .

  10. 从事销售色卡业务并为从汽车到家装的各行各业提供建议的彩通会密切关注这些T台秀。

    Pantone -- which is in the business of selling color swatches and advice to industries from autos to home decor -- closely watches these runways .

  11. 随后,一个由彩通高管和客户组成的色彩委员会会根据调查结果、色卡的销售情况及其专家的意见来进行挑选。

    A color committee made up of Pantone executives and clients makes a pick based on the surveys , sales of color swatches and its experts ' opinions .

  12. 彩通的高管称,这种色彩细腻又奔放,会让人想起创造力与独创性,可能会吸引年龄在20多岁和30多岁的注重时尚、精通科技的客户。

    Pantone executives say that because it is nuanced and bold , the color suggests creativity and ingenuity , which may appeal to fashion-minded , tech-savvy customers in their 20s and 30s .

  13. 在今年,彩通觉得与它看好的暖色调最相配的是“璀璨兰花紫”,该色彩在其色彩指南上介于“鸢尾蓝”与“春季番红花紫”之间。

    This year , Pantone felt the best match for the warm hue it was seeing was ' radiant orchid , ' a color appearing in its color guide between ' iris orchid ' and ' spring crocus . ' Deeper shades of purple have been on the upswing as well ;