
  • 网络tension leg platform;TLP;TLPs;ETLP
  1. 然后对一个规则波作用下的张力腿平台进行了计算,结果发现平台主要做水平面内的平动,升沉和转动相对较小,同时还可以观察到张力腿平台水平运动引起的Set-down。

    A TLP in regular waves is then calculated . It can be seen that the platform mainly goes through translational motion in the horizontal plane , and the heave and angular motion are relatively small . The surge-induced set-down of the TLP can also be observed .

  2. 然而,Spar的纵摇运动响应则比半潜式平台和张力腿平台要大的多。

    The pitch motion of Spar is extraordinarily larger than that of Semi-submersible and TLP .

  3. 与固定式平台不同,张力腿平台(TLP)是一个浮式结构,具有六个运动自由度。

    Unlike fixed platform , Tension Leg Platform ( TLP ) is a floating structure with 6 degrees of freedom .

  4. 主要论述基于检测结果的海洋工程结构张力腿平台(TLP)系索系统的疲劳可靠性更新。

    The updated fatigue reliability of a tension leg platform ( TLP ) tendon system based on inspection was investigated .

  5. 张力腿平台TTR立管壁厚设计研究

    Research for Wall Thickness Design of a Top Tensioned Riser for a Tensioned Leg Platform

  6. 用热喷涂铝涂层保护的Hutton张力腿平台投产。

    The Hutton TLP was installed with a sealed thermal-sprayed aluminum ( TSA ) coating .

  7. 对某典型张力腿平台ISSCTLP进行了时域上的数值计算,求得该平台在规则波作用下的六自由度运动响应。

    Then the nonlinear dynamic analysis of ISSC TLP in regular waves is performed in the time domain .

  8. Spar的纵摇和横摇运动响应与低频随机波浪的峰值周期下的张力腿平台相比更加完美。

    However , the roll and pitch response of Spar is perfect and comparable with that of the TLP when the peak period of random waves is low .

  9. 尤其作为深海平台锚固系统,比如TLP张力腿平台锚固系统,在安全性和经济性上有明显的优势。

    Especially as anchor system in deep platform , for example , anchor system of tension leg platform , it has evidently superiorities in security and economy .

  10. SeaStar系列张力腿平台的建造与安装初探

    Review of construction and installation on SeaStar TLP

  11. 当今世界范围内用于深水油气开发的平台类型主要包括浮式生产储油系统、半潜式平台、张力腿平台以及Spar平台。

    Nowadays , the mainstream platforms used in deep water around the world include Floating Production Storage and Offloading System , Semi-submersible , Tension Leg Platform and Spar platform .

  12. 张力腿平台(TensionLegPlatform)是一种典型的流体和固体相互耦合作用的柔性结构系统,与传统固定平台相比,更适合深海环境。

    The tension leg platform ( TLP ) is a typical compliant flexible system with fluid and structure interaction . The oceanic environmental forces act on the TLP are quite complex . Compared with the traditional fixed platform , TLP is suitable for the application in the deep sea structure .

  13. 简要说明了张力腿平台(TLP)的结构和工作原理,然后分类对各种TLP在1990年后的发展状况进行了详细介绍,列表给出了部分平台的详细数据。

    This paper reviews the characteristics and structure of the TLP and introduces the development of TLP after 1990 according to its types . It also demonstrates main information of some platforms .

  14. 目前,适用于深海油气开采的平台类型主要有:FPSO、半潜式平台、立柱式平台和张力腿平台。

    At present , the main platforms that can be used for deepwater oil and gas exploitation are FPSO ( Floating Production Storage and Offloading system ), Semi-submersible , Spar Platform and Tension Leg Platform ( TLP ) .

  15. 论证了张力腿平台(TLP)在波浪作用下发生有限振幅运动时,所受惯性力、粘性力、浮力等载荷不仅与波浪场有关,还与瞬时响应有关,是响应的非线性函数;

    It is demonstrated that when tension leg platform ( TLP ) moves with finite amplitude in waves , the inertia force , the drag force and the buoyancy acting on the platform are nonlinear functions of the response of TLP .

  16. 目前在分析张力腿平台(TLP)疲劳损伤时,通常限定平台只发生小位移,未考虑不利工况下平台发生有限位移的情况。

    Most of the existing methods for analyzing fatigue damage of the tether of tension leg platform ( TLP ) restrict the displacements of TLP to small magnitude , leaving out of the case of account the case of finite displacements in adverse operation state .

  17. 张力腿平台(TLP)是目前深海油气开发最常用的形式之一,其升沉运动小,适用水深大,抵抗恶劣海况能力较强,具有很高的性价比。

    Tension Leg Platform ( TLP ) is one of the mostly widely used platforms in deepwater oil and gas exploitation . Because of its small heave motion , wide range of applicable depth , strong ability to resist negative sea conditions , and excellent cost performance .

  18. 张力腿平台拟静态分析挖掘机状态反馈控制器

    The Quasi-Static Analysis of TLP Status feedback controller for power shovel

  19. 张力腿平台模型在波浪中的张力测试

    The Tether Force Measurement of TLP Model in Storm Wave

  20. 张力腿平台的整体设计及拟静力性能分析

    General Design and Quasi-static Analysis of the Tension Leg Platform

  21. 张力腿平台波浪载荷计算

    Calculation of Wave Load acting on Tension Leg Platform

  22. 张力腿平台有限振幅运动的方程和数值解

    Governing Equations and Numerical Solutions of Tension Leg Platform With Finite Amplitude Motion

  23. 平台的总体尺度规划是张力腿平台设计中最基础的工作。

    The general size planning is the fundamental part in a TLP design .

  24. 深海柔性张力腿平台结构随机响应和振动舒适性的研究。

    The stochastic response and vibration comfort of the deepwater TLP is studied .

  25. 张力腿平台拉索的疲劳损伤

    Fatigue damage of the tether of tension leg platform

  26. 张力腿平台的水动力及结构力学问题

    Hydrodynamic Forces and Structural Mechanics of Tension Leg Platform

  27. 张力腿平台安装分析现代化大马力拖拉机的液压系统

    Fabrication and Installation for TLP The Hydraulic System of Modernize Great Power Tractor

  28. 深海张力腿平台发展概况及其趋势

    The Developing History and Trend of Tension Leg Platform

  29. 张力腿平台的波频耦合动力响应分析

    Wave Frequency Coupled Dynamic Responses Analysis of TLP

  30. 深水张力腿平台的结构形式铰接式浮标性能研究