
  • 网络the virginia company
  1. 首届职业女子网球巡回赛的主办者弗吉尼亚斯利姆斯公司。

    Virginia slims , sponsors of the first professional women 's tennis tour .

  2. 这一爆炸事件同时也使得弗吉尼亚州轨道科学公司大为震惊,这家私人公司建造的火箭与NASA签订有近20亿美元的合同,现在需要个说法。

    It also clearly shook Virginia-based Orbital Sciences , the private contractor that built the rocket under a nearly 2 billion contract with NASA now needs answers .

  3. 弗吉尼亚生物柴油提炼公司(VirginiaBiodieselRefinery)董事总经理瑞恩輠克纳(RyanFaulkner)表示,价格最高的时候,提炼厂会为用过的食用油向收集公司支付每加仑3美元。

    At the peak , refineries were paying collectors $ 3 a gallon for rendered cooking oil , said Ryan Faulkner , general manager of the Virginia Biodiesel Refinery company .