
  • 网络BRANDON;Brendan;Brandon University
  1. 2006年,RiotGames公司创始人马克•美林和布兰登•贝克进行了一次豪赌,让他们的主打新游戏《英雄联盟》采取免费+增值模式。

    Back in 2006 , riot games founders Marc Merrill and Brandon Beck made a bet that their new hardcore MoBa experience , League of legends , would work as a free title with optional upgrades .

  2. 跳投和不断攻击篮筐,这是选秀日球队将未来的全明星球员布兰登-罗伊(BrandonRoy)交易到开拓者换来弗耶和一些现金时想要的球员类型。

    Shooting and attacking the rim from the jump , this is the kind of player the team envisioned when it traded future All-Star Brandon Roy to Portland on draft night for Foye and cash .

  3. 将近四十岁的布兰登是南美优步的联合创始人,同时也是投资公司FifthWall的合作伙伴。

    The businessman , in his late 30s , co-founded Cabify , the Latin American Uber . He is the co-founder and partner of Fifth Wall , an investment company .

  4. 布兰登用诺曼底登陆日(D-Day)的例子作为反驳。

    Brendan replied by citing the example of D-Day .

  5. 但是到了20世纪60年代末,布兰登与兰德和妻子芭芭拉(Barbara)之间的关系每况愈下。

    But by the late 1960s , Mr. Branden 's relationships with Ms. Rand and with his wife , Barbara , had deteriorated .

  6. 从海豹突击队退役后,布兰登先后加入了哈佛商学院(HBS)和麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey),之后与他人共同创办了自己的对冲基金,丰富的阅历让他的观点不但有趣,而且具有多面性。

    Brendan went on to HBS and McKinsey after the seals and then co-founded his own hedge fund , so he had an interesting , multi-faceted perspective .

  7. 幸运的是,詹姆斯在骑士队遇到了很多帮手:迈克•米勒、詹姆斯•琼斯、布兰登•海伍德以及肖恩•马里昂,他们都曾捧起NBA总冠军的奖杯。

    Luckily , James is surrounded by helping hands in Cleveland . For one thing , Mike Miller , James Jones , Brendan Haywood and Shawn Marion have all hoisted the trophy before .

  8. 请看柏林,在这里,布兰登堡门(BrandenburgGate)一带的建筑物弹痕累累,石块和廊柱晦暗无光,让我们永远不忘记我们具有共同的人性。

    Look at Berlin , where the bullet holes in the buildings and the somber stones and pillars near the Brandenburg Gate insist that we never forget our common humanity .

  9. 1999年,这本书被映时影业搬上银幕,由海伦·米伦(HelenMirren)饰演兰德,艾瑞克·斯托罗兹(EricStoltz)饰演布兰登。

    The book was made into a 1999 Showtime movie starring Helen Mirren as Ms. Rand and Eric Stoltz as Mr. Branden .

  10. 1989年,布兰登出版了《审判日:我与安·兰德共度的岁月》(JudgmentDay:MyYearsWithAynRand),从自己的角度讲述了这段关系,不过获得的评价却不如他前妻的那本书。

    In 1989 , Mr. Branden offered his own version of the relationship in " Judgment Day : My Years With Ayn Rand . " It was not as well received as his wife 's account .

  11. E3大会结束后不久,勒克便与云端流媒体公司Gaikai的前首席产品官、CEO布兰登•艾里布联合成立了OculusVR公司,进一步开发硬件与软件。

    Luckey co-founded oculus VR with CEO Brendan Iribe , Ex-chief product officer of the cloud-streaming company GAIKAI , not long after E3 to develop the hardware and software further .

  12. 开放源代码组织、Firefox浏览器开发商Mozilla的布兰登•艾奇(BrendanEich)表示,到了明年,浏览器本身就能在离线状态下支持网络应用程序。

    Over the next year , browsers themselves will come with support for Web-based applications when offline , says Brendan Eich of Mozilla , the open-source organisation that created Firefox .

  13. 之后,布兰登委讬当地一家酿酒厂酿制出了一种不含酒精的瓶装啤酒,并在瓶上贴上Kwispelbier的商标。

    Berenden consigned a local brewery to make and bottle the nonalcoholic beer , branded as Kwispelbier .

  14. 红迪网(Reddit)用户布兰登(Brendan)成功入侵父母的手机,并应用了一种快捷方式。这意味着,当有人打出“不”的时候,手机会自动将其改为“当然好”。

    Reddit user Brendan managed to hack into his parents ' phones and apply a shortcut that meant when someone typed ' no ' it automatically changed to ' hell yes ' .

  15. 布兰登•弗朗西斯•纽纳姆(BrendanFrancisNewnam)发觉,与朋友在纽约一同吃晚饭时,当谈话锁定在电视剧时,这一话题可能会成为“一条扼杀其他谈话的葛藤”。

    When Brendan Francis Newnam goes to dinner with friends in New York , he grows wary when the talk locks on television , a subject that can become ' a kudzu vine that strangles out other conversations . '

  16. 1968年夏,兰德在为《客观主义者》(TheObjectivist)杂志撰写的文章中宣布两人之间的合作告终,并称布兰登夫妇在财务上占她便宜。

    In the summer of 1968 , Ms. Rand announced in an article for The Objectivist magazine that their collaboration was over , claiming that both of the Brandens had taken financial advantage of her .

  17. 布兰登于周三在洛杉矶郡家中去世,享年84岁。认识兰德后,他成了其最热情的门徒,还按她的建议,把自己的名字由内森·布卢门撒尔(NathanBlumenthal)改为纳撒尼尔·布兰登。

    Mr. Branden , who was 84 when he died on Wednesday at his home in Los Angeles County , would go on to change his name at Ms. Rand 's suggestion ( it had been Nathan Blumenthal ) and to become perhaps her most ardent disciple .

  18. 这种情况下,湖人从他们的头等交易品那里获得了足够的回报,让他们的年轻球员诸如丹吉洛-拉塞尔和布兰登-英格拉姆准备好在比赛关键时刻承担更重的责任,同时铁了心摆滥准备迎接UCLA新星朗佐-鲍尔的到来。

    In this case , the Lakers got a reasonable return for their top trade piece , prepared to give their young players like D'Angelo Russell and Brandon Ingram greater responsibilities down the stretch , and hunkered down for a tank that just might land UCLA star Lonzo Ball .

  19. 上周,备受争议的火箭前锋发表了对科比的批评,话语中暗示他甚至不如开拓者的领军人物布兰登-罗伊或者“一个从Queensbridge(位于纽约)来的家伙”出色。

    Last week , the controversial Houston forward appeared to diss Bryant , suggesting that he wasn 't even as good as Portland standout Brandon Roy , or " a guy from my hood from Queensbridge " .

  20. 布兰登国际家具公司强烈支持公开的竞争和自由的贸易。

    Furniture Brands International strongly supports open competition and free trade .

  21. 我说我们早上再找布兰登哈里斯谈谈。

    I say we talk with Brendan Harris in the morning .

  22. “布兰登怎么啦?”约翰爵士问。

    " What is the matter with Brandon ?" said Sir John .

  23. 玛丽安小姐别想独霸所有的男人。她若是不当心,布兰登会吃醋的。

    Brandon will be jealous , if she does not take care .

  24. 那根本就是疯狂之举,布兰登当时已经二十岁,培提尔才不过十五。

    It was madness . Brandon was twenty , Petyr scarcely fifteen .

  25. 如果我没记错的话,你也认识我哥哥布兰登。

    I understand you knew my brother Brandon as well .

  26. 当她与布兰登参观校园时,克里斯·阿特里斯亲身经历过这样的事情。

    Chris Attilis experienced this firsthand when she visited campuses with Brandon .

  27. 布兰登我能和你说两句吗

    Hey , Brenda , can I grab you for a second ?

  28. 布兰登不会连感兴趣和调情都分不�

    I don 't think Brendan confused interest with flirtation .

  29. 之前凯莉确认她和布兰登于三月开始约会。

    Kelly confirmed she was dating Brandon in March .

  30. 噢你烧了布兰登最喜欢吃的饭菜

    Oh , you made Brandon 's favorite dinner .