
  • 网络Baffin Bay;Baffin
  1. 一条白鲸每游半英里就得浮出水面换气,而巴芬湾的未冻水域还有13英里之遥。

    A beluga needs to surface for air about every half mile ; free flowing water was more than 13 miles away in Baffin Bay .

  2. 其中一枚在大约10年之后最终被找到,但最后一枚仍在巴芬湾海底某处。

    One of those was eventually recovered about 10 years later , but the other one is still somewhere at the bottom of Baffin Bay .

  3. 海南黎族和台湾高山族传统社会组织比较巴芬湾北部的可航水域

    A Comparison of Traditional Social Organizations Between Hainan Li Nationality and Gaoshan Ethnicity in Taiwan

  4. 格政府说,这些公司在2008年拿出了一份“极为乐观的”巴芬湾附近的地震数据,差不多明年就能开埋钻机。

    In2008 the firms produced " very positive " seismic data from Baffin Bay , says the government , and exploration drills will be sunk in the coming year or so .

  5. 结果表明:冬、春季节海冰变率大的海区主要有巴伦支海、格陵兰海、巴芬湾、戴维斯海峡以及白令海;在巴芬湾、戴维斯海峡和白令海海区,冬季海冰变率比春季的大;

    The results indicate that in spring and winter , sea-ice variability are predominant in the following sea regions : the Kara and the Barents Seas , the Greenland Sea , the Baffin Bay and Davis Strait , the Bering Sea ;

  6. 北极西北航道指的是西起美国阿拉斯加北部的波弗特海,向东经过加拿大北极群岛水域到达东部的戴维斯海峡和巴芬湾,最终连接太平洋和大西洋的航道。

    The Arctic Northwest Passage stretches from Beaufort sea at the north of Alaska in America in the west to the Davis Strait and Baffin Bay in the east across the Canadian Arctic archipelago waters and it finally connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans .