
  • 网络Urubamba;Urubamba River
  1. 建于狭窄的山脊上,俯视汹涌的乌鲁班巴河。

    Built on a narrow ridge overlooking the turbulent waters of the Urubamba river .

  2. 巴河上游流域利用水调节治理措施分析

    Analysis on Using of Water-Regulation Design Controlling Measures of the Upper Reaches of Bahe River Basin

  3. 基于水土保持的山区农业结构调整&以罗田县巴河流域为例

    Agricultural Structure Regulation on Water and Soil Conservation in Mountain Region & Case Study of Ba River Basin in Luotian County

  4. 本文对甘肃巴谢河流域滑坡的分布和谷坡稳定性进行了详细的描述和分析。

    This paper describes and analyses the landslide distribution and slope stability of Baxie river basin in Gansu province in detail .

  5. 那里挂了一幅画,内容是1860年的一场激战中,士兵用绳索和滑轮渡过巴兰卡河。

    There a painting shows soldiers crossing above the Barranca River in 1860 using ropes and pulleys during a pitched battle .

  6. 上新世巴漏河组在淄博地区的发现填补了该地区上新统的空白。

    The development of the Balouhe Formation discovered at first time in Zibo area , Shandong Province filled the stratum gap of Pliocene system .