
  • 网络Bachu Culture;ba chu culture
  1. 在今天的宜昌地区,还存在着活的巴楚文化。

    Until now the Ba Chu culture still exists in the Yichang area .

  2. 足可见巴楚文化强大的生命力和延展力。

    Enough to see the powerful life and extended vitality of the Ba Chu culture .

  3. 刘禹锡的民歌体诗与巴楚文化

    Poem of Folk Song by Liu Yuxi and Bachu Culture

  4. 巴楚文化并非巴文化和楚文化的简单叠加。

    The Ba Chu culture is not simply summed by the Ba culture and Chu culture .

  5. 这些特征充分的展现在一系列巴楚文化形式符号中。

    These features are fully demonstrated in a series of symbol forms of Ba Chu culture .

  6. 巴楚文化深厚的历史积淀影响着刘禹锡的民歌体诗创作。

    The deep accumulation has influenced the creation of the poems of folk song by Liu Yuxi .

  7. 巴楚文化具有发扬蹈厉的进取精神,其人民有着炽热真挚的审美情感。

    The Ba Chu culture has carried forward the enterprising spirit , whose people shared truly Aesthetic emotions .

  8. 对襄樊市“襄”“樊”得名的文化人类学诠释&兼论巴楚文化的南北演变及廪君系巴人五姓的起源地

    Explanation of " Xiang " and " Fan " of the name of Xiangfan City by using culture and anthropology

  9. 巴楚文化被誉为华夏文化、东方文化、乃至世界文的重要一支。

    Bachu Culture is an important constituent part of the Huaxia Culture , the Oriental Culture as well as the world 's culture .

  10. 其表现形式如蚕桑文化、山水文化、巴楚文化、军事文化更是丰富深厚。

    Its rich representation forms are such as mulberry and silkworm culture , mountains and rivers culture , Ba-Chu culture , and military culture .

  11. 其对研究三峡地区东周墓葬内涵与特点及巴楚文化交流、两汉墓葬结构特征、埋葬习俗等,具有重要的学术价值。

    Folk custom is a significant part of traditional culture , which plays an important part in both civilization construction and culture communication between China and other countries .

  12. 土家跳丧与巴楚文化、与土家族特有的宗教信仰、与土家族先祖巴人威武强劲的军阵战舞有密不可分的渊源关系。

    This paper thinks that this funeral form has a very close relationship with Bachu culture , Tujia religion and the military dance of Tujia ancestors , which is the origin of dancing-funeral .

  13. 巴楚民族文化圈的演变与现代化论纲&从民族法文化的视角

    On Development and Modernization of " National Cultural Circle of Bachu " & With the Visual Angle of National Law Culture

  14. 本文拟通过巴楚民族文化圈的演变、特点、民族法文化转型与现代化诸问题的初步构想,阐明此课题研究的主旨和目标,及其现实价值追求。

    This thesis illustrates the purport and goal of this subject and realistic value , through conceiving such problems as the development and characteristics of the " national cultural circle of Bachu ", and the transition and modernization of national law culture .

  15. 从法律文化的视角,构建巴楚民族文化圈,将其作为中国区域文化的一个独特类型进行多学科综合研究,是扩展中国传统民族法文化研究领域的一种尝试。

    It is a try of expanding the cultural research field of Chinese traditional national law to structure " the national cultural circle of Bachu " from the visual angle of legal culture and regard it as a unique type of China 's regional culture carries on multi-disciplinary comprehensive research .

  16. 巫山神女:巴楚民族历史文化融合的结晶

    Goddess of Wu Mountain : Crystallization of Merging of Historical Culture in Ba & Chu Nationalities