
  • 网络embedded application software;embedded software
  1. 实时多任务操作系统(RTES)是嵌入式应用软件的基础和开发平台。

    RTOS is the basic end exploiting platform for embedded application software .

  2. 基于PDA的嵌入式应用软件研究与开发是目前测绘领域中的一个热点,已经开发成功的掌上型测绘系统,大多数是基于WINDOWSCE嵌入式操作系统。

    At present , the research and development of the embedded application software based on PDA is a hot spot in the surveying field . The most of the handheld surveying system that have been successfully developed is based on the Windows CE embedded operating system .

  3. 本文针对高速、实时的要求,完成嵌入式应用软件系统总体设计,完成GUI界面任务设计、DSP刷波形任务设计和菜单MENU任务设计。

    The paper has finished the total design of the system that aims at the demand of high-speed and real-time , GUI task design , DSP task design , menu task design .

  4. Coral以传统的层次型软件结构为基础,细化和改进了传统的层次型软件结构中的嵌入式应用软件层,并将整个系统多进程化。

    Coral which is based on traditional hierarchical structure subdivides and improves application layer of traditional hierarchical structure and all independent functions are implemented as processes .

  5. 作为本论文设计的音频嵌入式应用软件开发平台的一个具体应用,本论文开发了音频数据采集、传输、处理与MP3解码的综合应用程序。

    Application program combination of audio sampling , transmission , processing and MP3 decoder as an example to demonstrate the performance on the platform is developed .

  6. 提高嵌入式应用软件程序效率与质量的研究

    Research on Improving the Efficiency and Quanlity of Embedded Application Software Program

  7. 嵌入式应用软件通用运行平台研究

    Research on Common Running Platform for Embedded Applications

  8. 嵌入式应用软件开发环境的构造

    The constructing of embedded application software development environment

  9. EASTT:一种嵌入式应用软件测试系统

    EASTT : An Embedded Application Software Test System

  10. 要实现快速高效的嵌入式应用软件的开发,必须有强大的嵌入式开发工具。

    The expanding of embedded system application fields enhanced the requirement of embedded software development .

  11. 嵌入式应用软件设计方法学研究综述

    Overviews on Design Methodologies for Embedded Software

  12. 本文描述了嵌入式应用软件项目网络电话终端软件的开发设计过程。

    This article details the designing and developing process of an embedding application project-network telephone software .

  13. 本文技术性、实用性较强,对于嵌入式应用软件的开发具有重要指导意义。

    This paper is rich in technicality and practicability , and is instructive to the development of embedded application .

  14. 设计开发了面向电子花样机的专用中间件,从而丰富了系列化智能缝制设备的嵌入式应用软件集。

    The specific-function middleware for electro-pattern sewing machine is developed , which enriches the embedded software set of seriate intelligent sewing equipment .

  15. 在嵌入式应用软件开发平台的开发过程中,如何进行面向对象化的操作系统封装对系统的性能有很大的影响。

    In the developing of developing platform of embedded application , it is very important to the performance of system that how to encapsulate object-oriented operating system .

  16. 作为流程工业领域中典型的现场设备,智能电容式压力/差压变送器(以下简称智能变送器)是一个系统复杂,安全性要求较高的带有嵌入式应用软件的仪器仪表。

    As a typical scene equipments in the process industrial field , intelligent capacitive pressure / differential pressure transmitter ( hereinafter referred to as intelligent transmitter ) is a instrumentation with embedded application software and has complicated system and high security .

  17. 嵌入式Web应用软件体系结构和设计模式的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Software Architecture and Design Mode in Embedded Web

  18. 嵌入式系统应用软件PC模拟器设计与实现

    Design & Implement of PC Simulator for Application on Embedded System

  19. 一种基于UML的嵌入式实时应用软件开发环境

    An UML-based environment for embedded real-time software development

  20. 面向嵌入式应用的软件可控cache实现

    Implementation of Software-Controllable Cache for Embedded Systems

  21. 本文论述了一种用于军用战术无线信息终端嵌入式GIS应用软件的专用文件系统的设计与实现。

    This paper presents the design and realization of the special file system , which is for embedded GIS application software applied in military tactics wireless information terminal .

  22. 著名的嵌入式数据库应用软件BerkeleyDB主要针对受限制资源(如缓存空间等),并为它们提供工业级强度的数据库管理系统,其在嵌入式领域得到了广泛的应用。

    Aiming at the limited resources ( such as the cache size ), the famous embedded database system , Berkeley DB , finds its wild range of application in the construction of the embedded database system of industrial strength level .

  23. 一种面向中小规模嵌入式应用的软件开发框架

    A Kind of Software Framework Towards Small and Medium-sized Embedded System

  24. 嵌入式应用系统软件设计技术研究

    Design and Research of Embedded System Software

  25. 完成了包括Linux系统移植并开发了基于嵌入式Linux的应用软件设计。

    Completed the migration of Linux system and developed application software based on embedded Linux . 4 .

  26. 启动代码是针对基于32位ARM核的嵌入式系统的应用软件所编写的一段汇编程序,通过它将C语言编写的应用程序从FLASH存储器映射到SDRAM存储器,提高了系统的运行速度。

    The starting code is a piece of assemble code for application software of the 32 Bit ARM core Embedded System , which maps the C-based application code from FLASH to SDRAM , thus improving the system 's speed .

  27. 广西软件产业的发展应定位于开发嵌入式或应用式软件;

    The development of the software industry of Guangxi should be orientated in the direction to develop the embedded or applying software ;

  28. 计算机防盗版技术和防伪密钥初探嵌入式系统中应用软件抗干扰的方法

    The Method on How to Prevent Software Piracy and Resist Faking in Keys Some Way to Resist Interference Used Software in Embedded System

  29. 嵌入式系统的应用软件开发不同于PC机上的应用开发,具有有限且少量的程序存储器及数据存储器,需要对软件在运行速度及占用空间上进行优化。

    Embedded System Software Development is a little different from the PC application development , with limited and small amount of program memory and data memory , the need for software to run on the speed and space optimization .

  30. 大多数嵌入式设备的应用软件和操作系统都是紧密结合的,正是由于嵌入式操作系统的强大功能,才使得嵌入式系统能够发挥如此巨大的作用,所以在嵌入式系统上面搭建嵌入式操作系统是十分必要的。

    Most application software of embedded devices is closely combined with operating systems . It is because of powerful functions of embedded operating systems , embedded system makes such a great role to play . Therefore , the embedded operating system is essential .