
  • 网络Shan Shan Hall;shan-shan guildhall
  1. 精美的石雕、砖雕、木雕是清代建筑装饰中的代表作,山陕会馆建筑装饰雍容华贵、美轮美奂、独具风格。

    Exquisite stone carvings , brick carvings , wood carvings in the Qing Dynasty architectural masterpiece , Shan Shan Hall decoration elegant , beautiful , unique style .

  2. 山陕会馆是客居异乡的从事商业活动的山陕商人们集资修建的以商业、庙宇、民居功能为主的建筑。

    Shan Shan Hall is a guest in a foreign land engaged in commercial activities Shanshan businessmen to raise funds to build the business , temples , houses the main function of the building .

  3. 从山陕会馆看山西之富

    Judging Wealth of Shanxi From Guild Hall of Shanxi and Shaanxi

  4. 汉口山陕会馆考

    Textual Research on Shan-shan Assembling Hall in Hankou

  5. 明清时期青海山陕会馆的创立及其市场化因素

    Establishment of Shanxi-Shaanxi Guild Halls in Qinghai in Ming and Qing Dynasties and Its Marketization

  6. 浅谈社旗山陕会馆的戏曲艺术

    Theatrical Art of Shanshan Assembly Hall

  7. 论社旗山陕会馆建筑装饰艺术文化的传统德育内涵

    Traditional Morality Connotation in the Decoration of Shan Shan Provincial Guild Hall ( SSPGH ) in Sheqi

  8. 清代河南赊旗镇的商业&基于山陕会馆碑刻资料的考察

    Business at Sheqi Town in the Qing Dynasty Henan : An Observation Based on Tablet Inscriptions at the Guild of Shanxi and Shaanxi

  9. 文章考证和分析了该馆的建筑装饰,论述了山陕会馆建筑装饰的艺术特色和审美价值。

    A textual research and an analysis of the ornament are made , and the artistic features and aesthetic value of the ornament are expounded .

  10. 第二部分概括山陕会馆的主要功能,包括行业管理功能、社会保障功能、张扬本土文化功能。

    The second part generalizes the main functions of Shanxi and Shaanxi guildhall , which includes function of guild administration , social protection and expanding local culture .

  11. 河南省社旗县山陕会馆是反映清代商贾文化集中国古代南北建筑风格于一体的雄伟建筑群。

    Shanshan - guildhall , an architectural group located in Southwest Henan province , is a jewel of the ancient architectural and decorating art reflecting the merchant culture of Qing Dynasty .

  12. 本文是对中原地区现存规模最大的清代商业会馆建筑&社旗山陕会馆的雕刻艺术展开的个案研究。

    This paper is the case study on the carving art of the Shan-shan Guildhall of Sheqi County-the largest commercial building campus of Guildhall type of Qing Dynasty in Central China .

  13. 聊城山陕会馆装饰艺术风格汲取宫廷建筑装饰精华与民居建筑装饰特色,巧妙的将两者融合在一起,同时,聊城山陕会馆建筑装饰还包含了多样的地域性特色。

    Liaocheng Mountain Guild Hall Art Deco palace architectural essence and draw residential architectural features , the clever two together at the same time , Liaocheng Shanshan Hall decoration also includes a variety of regional characteristics .

  14. 《乘凉的老人》山陕会馆给我的感觉是震撼的,但在乘凉的老人眼里,也许是亲历了太多的变迁,一切都趋于平淡。

    The old man in the shadow The hall in Shanshan really shocked me , but in the eyes of the old man , it is so ordinary for he has experienced a lot of changes .

  15. 在山东聊城古城区南部,京杭大运河河畔,有一座保存完整的清代商业会馆&聊城山陕会馆,他是国家重点文物保护单位。

    The southern part of Old City in Shandong , Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal River , there is a preserved Qing Dynasty Business Center - Liaocheng Shan Guild Hall , he is a national key cultural relics protection units .

  16. 清代中叶的洛阳商业以山陕会馆碑刻资料为中心的考察一般的思想及其背后:庙会中的行善积功以明清京师泰山信仰的碑刻资料为中心1

    On the Commerce of Luoyang City during the middle Qing Dynasty & A Case Study by the Inscriptive Materials in Shanshan County Guild ; A General Idea and Behind : Doing Charitable Deeds for Merit Accumulation in the Temple Fairs