
  1. 本研究对CGE模型的宏观数据与微观模拟模型中的微观住户调查数据的结合方法的应用做了一次探索性的尝试研究。

    The study tries to combine the CGE model with micro-simulation model for application .

  2. 即以嵌入式ARM处理器为核心,结合机器视觉导航和雷达测距技术,尝试研究建立嵌入式智能测距防撞系统。

    In embedded ARM processor as the core , combining machine vision navigation and radar technology , try to study and establish the range of embedded system of intelligent distance bull .

  3. 本论文借助了水/油的两相界面制备有序稳定的SERS基底,并尝试研究了其应用。

    In this thesis , stable and uniform SERS substrates were fabricated at water / oil interface , and its application was addressed .

  4. 设计中通过逼真的场景、自然的交互、个人的视点及迅速的响应,尝试研究VR技术在建筑物虚拟漫游中的应用。

    Design bases on the background of VR technology application in structure virtual wandering , through the vivid scene , nature interactive , personal viewpoint and rapid responding .

  5. 本文还研究分析了目前跟踪方法概况,尝试研究了基于MeanShift算法的目标质心跟踪方法,仿真结果表明该方法的有效性。

    Also study and analysis of the present general situation of target tracking are made and the trial study of the centroid tracking method based on the Mean Shift algorithm is made . Results show that the method can effectively track moving targets .

  6. 针对目前国内外运用CMB模型时对元素和源的选取没有统一规则的情况,对元素、源的选取方法作了尝试研究;

    Attempted study on the choose of elements and source types , considering the fact no formula for that has been set down .

  7. 最后,在Hans医院信息系统基础上尝试研究面向费用主题的医嘱数据仓库系统,并使用工具进行OLAP分析获得各个部门的费用及相关比例信息,并将获得的信息以报表的形式展现。

    At last , We build a simple data warehousing , based on Hans hospital information system , and process OLAP upon it to get department fare information which showed by chart .

  8. 对非氟SPEEK磺酸质子交换膜制备和性能进行了初步研究,并对自增湿SPEEK膜进行了尝试研究。

    Some primary study on synthesis and performance of non-fluorinated SPEEK PEM and SPEEK self-humidifying membrane was carried out .

  9. 针对该问题,本文尝试研究基于混合式P2P网络的NAT穿越技术,试图有效克服P2P技术的不足,以进一步提高网络的计算能力和带宽。

    In order to solve this problem , this paper attempts to study the hybrid P2P network based on NAT traversal technology , tries to overcome the deficiencies of P2P technology , and further enhances the computing power and network bandwidth .

  10. 从近几年的文献可以看出,国内的学者也开始尝试研究核心通货膨胀,2006年中国人民银行武汉分行用一定的方法计算出我国的核心CPI。

    We could see from the recent literature that domestic scholars have begun to try to study the core inflation . In 2006 , Wuhan Branch of PBOC calculated our core CPI with a certain method .

  11. 据此,本论文采用反相悬浮聚合法(ISP)制备丙烯酸系多孔性SAR微球,探索微球多孔结构与性能关系,尝试研究微球多孔结构的形成和控制及其成孔机理。

    Therefore , porous SAR micro-spheres were synthesized by inverse suspension polymerization ( ISP ) in this work and the relationship between porous structure and performance , the formation and control of the pore , the mechanism of pore-forming have already been explored in this work .

  12. 尝试研究了将HKR反应应用到上述制备所得中间体中,以期发现手性诱导作用对于HKR反应的影响。

    And we apply the above product to HKR reaction in order to find the effect of the chiral induction function on the HKR reaction .

  13. 而在匈牙利我们尝试研究

    But in Hungary , they are trying to see if

  14. 尝试研究了半监督学习在基于数据驱动的故障诊断方法中的应用。

    Semi-supervised learning to data-driven fault diagnosis has been introduced .

  15. 而后,尝试研究了多机器人在未知环境下的覆盖策略。

    Then , coverage strategies of multi-robots system in unknown environments are studied .

  16. 所以笔者尝试研究旅游合同的若干问题,主要针对旅游合同中典型的、争议大的问题进行探讨。

    So I try my best to study some important question of travel contract .

  17. 另外,本试验还对T&ZnO晶须增韧增强镁质强化瓷基体进行了尝试研究。

    In addition , we attempted to reinforce the porcelain matrix by T-ZnO whiskers .

  18. 高职物理教学中进行创业教育的思考与尝试研究性教学是高职物理教学改革的重要课题。

    The research-oriented teaching is an important subject of higher vocational physics educational reform .

  19. 他尝试研究证实狗狗是否能够真的

    He 's attempting to discover if dogs are

  20. 央行分支机构行员招聘评价&一种统计分析方法的尝试研究

    Evaluation on Recruitment of Branch Staff of PBC & Study on a Statistical Analysis Method

  21. 因此,本文尝试研究了一种烘炉温度无线数据传输检测系统。

    Therefore , this article attempts to study the Oven temperature wireless data transmission detection system .

  22. 在读八年级那年,我和她决定来尝试研究研究巫术。

    In 8th grade she and I decided to dabble a little in the Wiccan arts .

  23. 尝试研究了电感法相对地应力测量在地震预报中的监测能力。

    The monitoring ability of the relative stress measurement by piezo-magnetie method is evaluated in earthquake prediction .

  24. 尝试研究、寻找草药、植物,从中找出将恶魔驱除出人体的药方。

    they tried to look for herbs , plants that would literally shake the bad spirits out .

  25. 在胶囊壁上固载光响应物质赋予胶囊新的功能,并尝试研究其在光动力学疗法中的应用。

    Encapsulation of photo-responsive substances on capsule walls endows capsules new structural and functional characteristics potentially practical applications .

  26. 我校校报《华一之声》是学生尝试研究和施展才华的园地。

    Our school newspaper Huayi Zhi Sheng is the fields where the students can show their talents on .

  27. 折现现金流量法是评估企业价值的常用方法,本文在前人分析的基础上,尝试研究如何运用折现现金流量模型具体评估出企业的价值。

    Based on research of formers , this paper tries to use discount-cash-flow model to calculate enterprises ' value .

  28. 本文将尝试研究有关诵读教学在提升当代高中生语文素养方面的问题。

    I will try to examine the contemporary high school students improve reading instruction in the language literacy problems .

  29. 本文尝试研究一种半刚性连接-顶底角钢连接的低周疲劳性能。

    The paper is dedicated to study the low-cycle fatigue behavior of a certain semi-rigid connection : the top - and - seat angle .

  30. 然后结合当代设计手法和理念的全新变化尝试研究革命历史博物馆室内环境具体的设计方法。

    Secondly , combining present design technique and idea , author tries to research the method of Revolution History museum indoor environment art design .