  • young;small;little
  • 方言,小:~娃(含亲爱之意)。~李。

  1. 在他的NBA生涯中,西斯稀里在巴塞罗那尕甲和精英全欧洲联赛中效力于巴塞罗那的特雷维索贝纳通。

    Prior to his NBA career , Bargnani played for Italy 's Benetton Treviso in the Italian Lega A and the elite Europe-wide Euroleague .

  2. 早餐后,参观尕海湖风景区。

    After the breakfast , you will visit Gaihai lake landscape .

  3. 论回族爱情叙事诗的悲剧美&以《马五哥与尕豆妹》为例

    On the Tragedy Beauty of Love Narrative Poem of the Huis

  4. 哎哟哟,尕妹妹跟前我去过。

    AI yo yo , I 've been to see that young girl .

  5. 德令哈尕海硼元素法定量恢复古盐度及其古气候意义

    Boron Element Quantitatively Reconstruct Paleosalinity and Paleoclimatic Research

  6. 柴达木盆地尕斯库勒油田原油油源特征及成藏分析

    Characteristics of Oil Source and Accumulation in the Gas Hure Oilfield , Qaidam Basin

  7. 通过马五和尕豆的爱情悲剧揭露了中国社会数千年封建礼教的本质。

    It revealed the nature of feudal ethic by the love tragedy between Ma Wu and Ga Dou .

  8. 尕斯库勒渐新统下部油藏中,目前找到的原油主要为低熟油,未熟油与成熟油发现不多。

    Oils currently discovered in the lower Oligocene reservoirs in Gas Hure are mainly low mature oil , with rare immature and mature oils .

  9. 年夏季对青海尕海盐湖的生态系统进行了初步研究。

    The primary productivity of benthic algae and phytoplankton in the Gahai Salt Lake ( Qinghai-Xizang Plateau ) was studied in summer , 1997 .

  10. 1934年,声震西北的尕司令马仲英离开所部三十六师,前往苏联,从此再未能返回,其下落有种种说法。

    In1934 , Ma Zhongying , a famous commander in northwest China , left No.36 Division , went to Soviet Union , and never came back .

  11. 摘要:尕龙格玛铜多金属矿床位于特提斯-喜马拉雅构造域的东段,冈瓦纳古陆与欧亚古陆强烈碰撞、挤压地带。

    Abstract : Galonggema Cu-polymetal deposit is located in the eastern of the Tethys-Himalayan tectonic domain , which is the strong collision and extrusion zone between Gondwana and Eurasian ancient land .

  12. 研究结果表明,尕斯库勒浅层与深层油藏原油地球化学特征有明显差别,分别来自不同的油源;

    The research results indicate that there are significant differences in geochemical features of oils between shallow and deep reservoirs in the Gas Hure oilfield , suggesting that the oils have different source rocks .

  13. 有机地球化学分析表明,尕斯库勒渐新统下部油藏原油为典型的盐湖相油,既有低熟油特征也有成熟油特征。

    Organic geochemical analysis shows that oils in the lower Oligocene reservoirs in Gas Hure , western Qaidam basin , are of typical salt lake origin and have the characteristics of both low mature oil and mature oil .
