
  • 网络Derek Yee;Tung-Shing Yee
  1. 为了确保电影的准确性,尔冬升花了三年时间来制作这部由临时演员做主演的电影。

    To ensure his film 's accuracy , Yee spent three years making this extras-take-the-lead drama .

  2. 尔冬升选择无名之辈来做主演,甚至在电影里使用他们的真实姓名。

    Yee chose real nobodies to play themselves in the movie , even using their real names .

  3. 香港导演尔冬升的最新电影《我是路人甲》讲述的就是追寻影视梦的无名之辈们的故事。

    Hong Kong director Derek Yee 's latest drama I Am Somebody pays tribute to these anonymous extras in the film industry .

  4. 尔冬升透露,如果内地转播网站qq.com取消合约,金像奖主办方将失去约500万港元(640800美元)的转播费。

    Some HK $ 5 million ( $ 640800 ) in broadcasting revenue stands to be lost if website qq.com - the designated mainland online broadcaster - reneges on the contract , according to Yee .

  5. 但是,近年来越来越多的香港导演却为了迎合大陆观众的喜好而转移了焦点,比如徐克的《智取威虎山》、尔冬升的《我是路人甲》。

    But in recent years , more Hong Kong directors like Tsui Hark ( " The Taking of Tiger Mountain " ) and Derek Yee ( " I Am Somebody " ) have shifted the focus of their films in order to attract Chinese mainland audiences .