
  • 网络Tentorium;tentorium cerebelli;tentorium of cerebellum
  1. 大脑镰和小脑幕的形态学调查

    A study on morphology of falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli

  2. 人体硬脑膜、大脑镰和小脑幕的力学性能试验研究

    Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Human Dura Mater Encephali Falx Cerebri and Tentorium Cerebelli

  3. 晚期外伤性小脑幕裂孔下疝的CT表现与临床意义

    CT Imaging of Traumatic Terminal Transtentorial Hernia And Clinical Values

  4. 大脑镰、小脑幕急性硬膜下血肿的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of acute bleeding in subdural space along flax and tentorium

  5. 小脑幕切迹疝CT诊断及临床价值

    CT diagnosis and clinical value of transtentorial herniation

  6. 小脑幕的CT解剖学研究

    CT and anatomical studies on the tentorium cerebelli

  7. 小脑幕切迹疝CT表现

    ABSCESS OF CEREBELLUM CT findings of tentorium hernia

  8. 本文回顾性分析了21例小脑幕裂孔疝的临床及CT表现。

    Clinical manifestation and CT findings of 21 cases with transtentorial hernia were analysed .

  9. 目的:提高对急性外伤性小脑幕裂孔下疝CT改变的认识。

    Objective : To recognize CT appearances of the acute traumatic hernia of incisura tentorii .

  10. 目的确定小脑幕切迹下疝的CT表现。

    Objective To determine CT findings of the hernia under cerebellar tentorial incisure ( CTI ) .

  11. 结论:CT为临床判断急性小脑幕裂孔下疝的形成程度提供可靠的影像学依据。

    Conclusion : CT can offer the reliable evidence in diagnosis of acute hernia of incisura tentorii .

  12. 急性外伤性小脑幕裂孔下疝的CT诊断与临床(附40例分析)

    CT and Clinical Diagnosis of Acute Traumatic Hernia of Incisura Tentorii ( An Analysis of 40 Cases )

  13. 目的探讨小脑幕外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血与硬膜下血肿急性期的CT影像特征。

    Objective To evaluate CT image features of acute traumatic subdural hematomas and subarachnoid space hemorrhages at tentorium cerebellum .

  14. 结论第四脑室闭塞或狭窄是CT诊断小脑幕裂孔下疝的可靠征象。

    Conclusion The occlusion and stricture of the fourth ventricle are reliable CT signs to diagnose traumatic cerebello-tentorial gap hernia .

  15. CT诊断小脑幕裂孔下疝所致大脑后动脉脑梗塞(附4例报告)

    CT Diagnosis of Infarction of Posterior Cerebral Artery Area Induced by Caudal Transtentorial Herniation ( Report of 4 Cases )

  16. 目的认识外伤性小脑幕裂孔下疝的CT征象,并探讨其对判定第四脑室继发性缩窄的意义。

    Objective To understand the CT findings of traumatic cerebello-tentorial gap hernia and to discuss their significance for identifying the secondary stricture of the fourth ventricle .

  17. 结果滑车神经穿入小脑幕游离缘处距动眼神经约5.38(4.16~6.86)mm。

    Results The distance from the point that ⅳ enters into the edge of tentorium cerebelli to ⅲ is 5.38 ( 4.16 ~ 6.86 ) mm .

  18. 三维CT图像可以立体、直观地显示颅内病变的形态、大小、位置及体表投影,显示其与周围重要结构(大脑镛、小脑幕、脑室、大血管、窦等)的空间解剖关系。

    3-D CT imges can display the shape , size and location of lesions in three dimentional spaces , demonstrate the relationship between the lesions and the surrounding neural and vascular structures .

  19. 目的描述幕上脑部病变所致小脑幕切迹下疝(DTH)的MR表现,探讨MR对该病的诊断标准。

    Objective To describe the MRI findings and define the standard of MRI diagnosis in the patients with descending transtentorial herniation ( DTH ) secondary to supratentorial mass lesions .

  20. 中线结构移位超过15mm(58/93),认为是小脑幕切迹疝的间接CT表现。

    The displacement of the midline beyond 15mm ( 58 / 93 ) is considered as indirect manifestation of tentorium hernia .

  21. 方法回顾性分析1013例无明显或轻微脑挫裂伤小脑幕上血肿的临床表现、CT诊断、治疗方法及预后,并结合文献对颅内血肿进行界定与幕上血肿分型。

    Methods Retrospective analysis was made for the clinical features , CT diagnosis , treatment methods and prognosis of 1013 patients with no obvious hematom or with mild brain laceration and contusion . Combined with the literatures , the hematom was differentiated and classified .

  22. 颅脑磁共振成像(MRI)钆强化扫描显示:小脑幕及右颞后、枕、顶硬脑膜增厚并明显强化,小脑幕强化更显著;双上颌窦、筛窦、额窦炎症。

    Brain magnetic resonance imaging ( MR I ) gadolinium enhanced scans show : the tentorium and right posterior temporal , occipital , partial dura were significantly strengthened with more significantly enhanced tentorium and pair of maxillary , ethmoid , frontal sinus inflammation .

  23. Ⅴ型:小脑幕上下弥散型(含脑表面、脑干);定向活检/脑脊液(CSF)瘤细胞检查+放疗、化疗。

    ⅴ type : diffuse type superior and inferior the tentorium ( including the surface of brain and brain stem ) which could be treated by oriented biopsy or cytological examination of CSF plus radiotherapy and chemotherapy .

  24. 目的观察利多卡因对小脑幕下肿瘤患者脑干听觉诱发电位(BAEPs)的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of lidocaine infusion on the brain stem auditory evoked potentials ( BAEPs ) in neurosurgical patients with tumor under the tentorium of the cerebellum .

  25. 小脑幕切迹急性疝及慢性疝急性发作

    Acute Hernia and Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Hernia of Tentorium Incisura

  26. 滑车神经行经小脑幕侧方区域的应用解剖学研究

    Applied Anatomy of the Trochlear Nerve in the Tentorial Lateral Region

  27. 小脑幕脑膜瘤的显微外科治疗(附58例病例分析)

    Microsurgical Operative Treatment to Tentorial Meningiomas ( 58 Cases Report )

  28. 经枕小脑幕锁孔入路松果体区的应用显微解剖

    Microsurgical anatomy of the pineal region using keyhole operation via the suboccipital-transtentorial

  29. 目的探讨小脑幕脑膜瘤的显微外科治疗临床疗效。

    Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of microsurgery for tentorial meningioma .

  30. 小脑幕上颞枕叶桥静脉的显微解剖

    Microanatomy of bridging veins of temporal and occipital lobe on the tentorium