
  • 【天】cosmological con stant
  1. 非零宇宙常数GlobalMonopole的引力场

    The Gravitational Field of Global Monopole for a Non - null Cosmological Constant

  2. 结果显示,DGP模型已被当前的宇宙学观测排除,而其它的修改引力模型也都不如最简单的宇宙常数模型。

    It is shown that , the DGP model is ruled out by cosmological observations , and other modified gravity models are also not as good as the cosmological constant model .

  3. 宇宙常数为零的证明

    A short proof for the problem of the cosmological constant

  4. 在非零宇宙常数时空中的D星

    D-stars in the Space - time with Non - zero Cosmological Constant

  5. 宇宙常数∧≠0的平面引力波

    The Plane Gravitational Waves with the Cosmological Constant Λ≠ 0

  6. 宇宙常数与宇宙年龄问题

    The Cosmological Constant and the Problem of the Age of the Universe

  7. 宇宙常数变化的Bianchi-Ⅰ型宇宙模型的解

    Exact solution for Bianchi type - ⅰ cosmological model with varying cosmological term

  8. 宇宙常数模型中传统能动量赝张量的修正

    Traditional Energy-Momentum Pseudotensors Revisited with A Cosmological Constant

  9. 本文讨论了宇宙常数∧≠0时的平面引力波问题。

    The plane gravitational waves with the cosmological constant A ≠ 0 are discussed .

  10. 不管是宇宙常数还是第五元素,都属于暗能量的?畴。

    Both the cosmological constant and quintessence fall into the general category of dark energy .

  11. 宇宙常数问题

    The problem of the cosmological constant

  12. 论宇宙常数的意义

    The Meaning of the Cosmological Constant

  13. 这种东西就是爱因斯坦在自己的公式中插入的一种被他称为“宇宙常数”的容差系数。

    That something was a fudge factor added to the equations Einstein called the cosmological constant .

  14. 在这样的情况下,由于纯量场是爱因斯坦宇宙常数最简化的归纳,因此它会产生作用。

    In these contexts , the fields work because they are the simplest generalization of Einstein 's cosmological constant .

  15. 事实上,这一点是吸引上图是另外一个问题的方式理解宇宙常数。

    The fact that this point is an attractor on the diagram is another way of understanding the cosmological constant problem .

  16. 爱因斯坦认为存在一个宇宙常数来填补现在暗能量的位置。

    Einstein proposed the existence of something he called the cosmological constant , to fulfil the role now assigned to dark energy .

  17. 通过比较粒子在恒星压力参数β和宇宙常数参数a取不同值时的有效势曲线。

    By comparing the particle effective potential curves for different values of the stellar pressure parameter β and the cosmological constant parameter α .

  18. 爱因斯坦表示,既然这个宇宙常数不能使宇宙保持静态,那就别考虑它以及马赫原理了。

    If the cosmological constant couldn 't keep the universe still , then forget about it and Mach 's Principle , Einstein said .

  19. 但若想造成现今观测到的加速膨胀,则这个宇宙常数的能量密度须为物质密度的两倍。

    But to produce the observed acceleration of the universe , the constant 's density would have to be twice that of matter .

  20. 关于宇宙常数问题是个至今没有解决的问题,它的来源至今还没有一个共识。

    The problem about cosmological constant is a difficult and important problem , people even don 't know what it is really originated from .

  21. 我们发现,如果这些天体的年龄数据是正确的,宇宙常数模型依然会受到宇宙年龄问题的困扰。

    We find that , if the age estimates of these objects are correct , the cosmic age puzzle still remains in the cosmological constant model .

  22. 据悉,在飓风的漩涡形状、大象的长牙甚至星系中都可以发现那个被称为黄金分割率的宇宙常数。

    A cosmic constant known as the golden ratio is said to be found in the shape of hurricanes , elephant tusks and even in galaxies .

  23. 据悉,在飓风的漩涡形状、大象的长牙甚至星系中都可以发现那个被称为“黄金分割率”的宇宙常数。

    A cosmic constant known as the ' golden ratio " is said to be found in the shape of hurricanes , elephant tusks and even in galaxies .

  24. 本文的第三部分,主要讨论了带有非零宇宙常数时空中D星的结构,导出了它的度规和有效质量公式。

    At last , we discuss the structure of D-stars in the spacetime with a nonzero cosmological constant . The metric and effective mass formula of D-stars have been educed .

  25. 据称他把宇宙常数叫做“自己最大的错误”。(不过,近年来,有关这句话是否为误传的疑问浮出了水面。)

    He was said to have called it " his biggest blunder . " ( Though in recent years , questions have been raised about whether that quote was misreported . )

  26. 暗能量最简单的候选者是宇宙常数,它虽然很好的解释了今天的宇宙加速膨胀但同时也存在一些需要解决的理论问题。

    The simplest candidate of dark energy is the cosmological constant , which can explain the present cosmic accelerating expansion but at the same time it also leaves some theoretical problems unresolved .

  27. 文章讨论了暗能量的可能侯选者,特别强调了宇宙常数问题、德西特时空问题以及和德西特时空相关的一些基本问题。

    In this article we discuss possible candidates for the dark energy . In particular , we emphasize the cosmological constant , cosmological constant problem , de Sitter space and various related fundamental problems .

  28. 本文第一部分系统地介绍了引力场的频移效应,如均匀引力场,静态引力场,质量源,电荷源,宇宙常数等等引力场中谱线的频移效应。

    In the first section of this article , we introduce the gravitational spectral shifts of static gravitational field , and spectral shifts of gravitational fields with mass , or electric charges or cosmological constant .

  29. 量子力学很快就表明,真空中存在很多能量。1998年,天文学家发现暗能量就像宇宙常数一样,似乎将空间与时间分离,与德西特描述的宇宙相似。

    Quantum mechanics soon invested empty space with energy . In 1998 astronomers discovered that dark energy , acting just like the cosmological constant , seems to be blowing space-time apart , just as in de Sitter 's universe .

  30. 光的速度被认为是一个宇宙的常数。

    The speed of light is considered as one of the universal constants .