
  1. 应用血清LDH同工酶对宁强矮马亲缘关系的分析

    An Analysis of the Blood Relationship Among Ningqiang Ponies with Serum LDH Isozyme Marker Gene

  2. 宁强矮马生长激素基因(GH)的遗传变异分析

    Genetic Variation of Growth Hormone Gene on Ningqiang Pony

  3. 本文在对勉县至宁强高速公路沿线区域的自然生态环境、社会环境、景观与绿化等方面现状调查的基础上,首先介绍了GIS、环境评价及相关的定义;

    This article in to Mian xian to Ning qiang highway route aspect present situation investigation in the and so on the region natural ecological environment , social environment , landscape and afforestation foundation , first introduced GIS , the environment assessment and the correlation definition ;

  4. X-Wind模式下对宁强碳质球粒陨石光学特征的重新认识

    A New Cognition of Optic Characteristic of Ningqiang Carbon Chondrite with X-wind Model

  5. 结果表明,宁强陨石的基质比全岩富集轻稀土和亲硫元素,并大致具有与Allende陨石基质相似的稀土特征。

    The results indicate that there are more abundant light REE and chalcophile elements in the matrix of Ningqiang than in the whole rock sample of Ningqiang , and it roughly exhibits a similarity of REE model between the Ningqiang and Allende matrices .

  6. 宁强碳质球粒陨石可溶有机质初步研究

    A preliminary study on soluble organic matter in Ningqiang carbonaceous meteorite

  7. 宁强陨石中不透明矿物集合体的氧同位素和成因研究

    Oxygen Isotopes and Origin of Opaque Assemblages in Ningqiang Carbonaceous Chondrites

  8. 陕西宁强震旦纪末期的瓶状微化石

    The late Sinian vasiform microfossils of ningqiang , shaanxi Province

  9. 陕西宁强早志留世灰泥丘中微生物及其造岩意义

    Microbial fossils in Lower Silurian micrite mound , ningqiang , Southern Shaanxi

  10. 陕西宁强梅树村阶瓶状微化石的发现及其意义

    Discovery of Meishucunian vase-shaped microfossils in ningqiang , Shaanxi and its significances

  11. 宁强县结核病控制项目实施效果分析

    Analysis of the Implementation Effect of TB Control Project in Ningqiang County

  12. 宁强县地震救灾指挥部提醒居民不要住在室内。

    The Ningqiang County quake relief headquarters advised residents not to live indoors .

  13. 宁强矮马考察报告

    Report on the survey of Ningqiang P on Y

  14. 宁强碳质球粒陨石的岩石、矿物特征研究

    Study on Mineralogical and Petrographic Characteristics of Carbonaceous Chondrite in the Ningqiang Area

  15. 利用微卫星标记对宁强矮马和蒙古马遗传多样性的研究

    Study on the Genetic Diversity of Ningqiang Pony and Mongolian Horse Using Microsatellite Markers

  16. 宁强陨石的岩石学、岩石化学及基质的化学成份。

    Petrology , petrologic Chemistry , and Matrix Chemical Compositions of the Ningqiang Chondrite .

  17. 用低本底γ谱仪测定宁强陨石宇宙成因放射性核素

    On the methodology of determining radionuclides in Ningqiang chondrite with low level γ spectrometry

  18. 采用仪器中子活化方法分析了宁强碳质球粒陨石基质及暗色边化学成份。

    The chemical compositions of the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite matrix and a dark rim are analysed with instrumental neutron activation method .

  19. 方法对宁强试验区亚克汀病可疑儿童和正常对照组儿童,分别于19961999年做听力检查。

    Methods Audition examination was tested for suspicious sub-cretin children and their control group in 1996 and 1999 in Ningqiang county .

  20. 南部界线:镇巴、宁强一线,以甲山山脉为地理屏障。

    The southern boundary : A line drawn from Ching-Pa to Ning-Chang , with Pa-Shan mountain chain as the geographical relief .

  21. 优质杂交水稻T优207在陕南宁强试种表现及高产栽培技术

    Performance of Fine Quality Hybrid Rice T You 207 in Experimental Production and Demonstration at Ningqiang , Shaanxi and Its High-yielding Cultural Techniques

  22. 在此基础上,将宁强县地质灾害的易发性划分为3个分区,分别为:高易发区、中易发区和低易发区。

    On this basis , divided landslide susceptibility of Ningqiang County into three zones : high susceptibility zones , middle susceptibility zones and low susceptibility zones .

  23. 灾害影响得分为2.118分,由于宁强县为自然灾害多发的地区,所以灾害因子在旅游资源开发中必须加以重视。

    The evaluation value is 2.118 . Ningqiang County is a natural disaster prone area , so the factor effect on tourism exploitation deserves paying much attention .

  24. 负责规划、实施和管理妇源汇在农村地区的社区发展项目的运作,特别是宁强县与剑阁县灾后重建项目;

    Plans , Implements and manages operations of GDS'community development programs in the rural region , especially in Disaster Relief Program in Ningqiang county and Jiange county .

  25. 为了探索适于贫困山区的母亲教育措施,对宁强试验点0~3岁儿童母亲的育教能力状况进行了调查。

    To explore the method of education on mothers ability to nurture children in mountainous areas , the investigation has been made to 0-3 ages children 's mother in Ningqiang experimental station .

  26. 通过分析不同动物和中国几个地方马种生长激素基因序列,为宁强矮马起源和矮化形成机制的研究提供分子水平的试验依据。

    In order to provide a scientific basis for the origin and dwarfish mechanism of Ningqiang pony , the sequence of GH of different animals and some China horse breeds were studied .

  27. 现阶段宁强的社会主义现代化建设,面临着工业化城市化和生态化的双重任务,必须在科学发展观的指导下,建设具有中国特色的社会主义生态文明。

    The present stage of socialist modernization in China , industrialization and faces the dual task of ecology must be under the guidance of scientific concept of development and building socialism with Chinese characteristics , ecological civilization .

  28. 陕西省宁强县是独具特色的生态资源和环境优势的县区,具有实施生态立县战略,走生态文明之路的独特条件。

    Ningqiang County in Shaanxi Province is a unique ecological resources and environmental advantages of the county , with the implementation of the " ecological county " strategy , taking the road of civilization and the unique ecological conditions .

  29. 取得了以下主要成果:1.定量的探索和揭示了区域地质灾害某些特征:①宁强县地质灾害以滑坡为主,崩塌、泥石流次之。

    Made the following main conclusions : 1 . Some features of the regional geological disasters were explored and revealed quantitatively as below : ① The main type of geo-hazard is landslide in Ningqiang county and the second is landfalls and debris flow .

  30. 其中有一道刻痕边还标注着“清朝康熙四十六年六月初八(公元1707年7月7日),宁强(今陕西宁强)官员前来求雨”,并且还有文字记载有算命先生参加了祈雨仪式。

    One patch of graffiti reads " On June 8 , 46th year of the emperor Kangxi period , Qing Dynasty ( July 7 , 1707AD ) , the governor of Ningqiang district came to the cave to pray for rain . " Another text tells of how a fortune teller joined in the ceremony .