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  • 网络Ji Chen;Jeffery Ji
  1. 季晨说:我们拥有的就是一台笔记本电脑和脑子里的无穷创意。

    What we have is a laptop and creative minds , says Ji .

  2. 对于像季晨这样通常资金不足或不具备经营场所的学生来说,这项优惠政策可谓是帮了大忙。

    This preferable policy is extremely useful for students like Ji , who normally don 't have much money or a business site .

  3. 11月国务院宣布将放宽市场准入,鼓励创业,季晨(音译)听到这个好消息后激动地从椅子上跳了起来。

    Ji Chen jumped out of his chair when he heard the good news & the State Council announced in November that market access will be eased to encourage start-up businesses .