• season;the end of an epoch;the last month of a season;the fourth or youngest among brothers
  • the yield of a product in one season;crop
  • 兄弟排行次序最小的:~弟(小弟)。~父(小叔叔)。

  • 末了:~世。~春(春季末一月)。明~(明代末年)。~军(体育运动竞赛的第三名)。

  • 一年的四分之一:一年分春夏秋冬四~。~度。~风。

  • 一段时间:~节。~候。~相(xiàng )(某个地区在某个季节的自然景象)。雨~。

  • 姓。


(三个月的气候期) season:

  • 春季

    spring; springtime;

  • 一年四季

    the four seasons of the year; all the year round


(季节) season:

  • 淡[旺]季

    dull [busy] season;

  • 西瓜季

    season for watermelons;

  • 雨季

    rainy [wet] season


(指一个时期的末了) the end of an epoch:

  • 清季

    the end of the Qing Dynasty


(一季的末一个月) the last month of a season:

  • 季春

    the last month of spring


(在兄弟排行里代表第四或最小的; 次序在末的) the fourth or youngest among brothers:

  • 季弟

    the fourth or youngest brother


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 季布

    Ji Bu


(用于种植次数) the yield of a product in one season; crop:

  • 由种一季改为种两季

    reap two crops a year instead of one

  1. 本季时装主要流行暖色调和柔和线条。

    This season 's fashions focus on warm tones and soft lines .

  2. 他们将以上演《卡门》来展开新的戏剧季。

    They will open the new season with a performance of ' Carmen ' .

  3. 本季又重新时兴较短的衣裙。

    Shorter hemlines are back in this season .

  4. 皮革牛仔裤是这一季必备的时尚服饰。

    Leather jeans are the must-have fashion item of the season .

  5. 他的名字突然出现在这一季所有选举会议上。

    His name has cropped up at every selection meeting this season

  6. 在每年为期6周的戏剧季里,会有300万人去看戏。

    Three million people will visit theatres in the annual six-week season .

  7. 尼克·沙利文对这一季来自巴黎和米兰的时装系列作了预评。

    Nick Sullivan previews this season 's collections from Paris and Milan .

  8. 我们本季运气不太好。

    We had a bit of hard luck this season

  9. 季风雨使河堤决口。

    Monsoons caused the river to burst its banks .

  10. 这是季末的最后几天。

    This is the tail end of the season .

  11. 圣诞季商业化的一面很容易招来讥讽。

    The commercial side of the Christmas season is an easy target for satire .

  12. 他们在爱丁堡国际艺术节上的表演季一结束,紧接着又要出访。

    The visit follows hot on the heels of their season at the Edinburgh International Festival .

  13. 请出示月[季]票。

    Show your monthly [ season ] ticket , please .

  14. 这个渔季开网大吉。

    The fishing season began most auspiciously .

  15. 错季种菜利润丰厚。

    It 's profitable to grow vegetables out of season .

  16. 我听说下一季会推出一个新的情景喜剧。

    I heard that a new sitcom is coming out next season .

  17. 本季服饰无疑是以修长飘逸、充满浪漫情调为主。

    This season the accent is definitely on long , flowing romantic clothes .

  18. 他们正在安排本季的各项比赛。

    They are arranging this season 's fixtures .

  19. 这是按季出版的简报。

    It was a quarterly newsletter .

  20. 过去这里的水田多数只种一季,现在全部种两季。

    Most paddy fields here used to yield only one crop a year , but now they all yield two .

  21. 在田地里种植一季有助于决定哪一种水稻(如果有的话)适宜商业推广。

    A season in the field will help determine which , if any , of the varieties are ready for commercialization .

  22. 这个相对的强劲趋势在这个休假季的早期与更广泛的零售行业中所见的情况始终一致。

    That   relative   strength   would   be   consistent   with   what   was   seen   in   the   wilder   retail   industry during   the   early   part   of   the   holiday   season .

  23. 这个休假季中,梅西相对的亮点在于其线上销售渠道,该领域的销售額增长达到了两位数,而实际订单也增长了25%。

    One   relative   bright   spot   for   Macy 's   during   the   holiday   season   was   the   online   channel ,   where   it rang   up   " double-digit "   increases   in   sales   and   a   25 %   increase   in   the   number   of   orders   it   filled .

  24. 在1804年前后,塔利朗向卡莱姆提出了一份挑战,为他的个人城堡制作一份完整的菜单,并且让这个年轻的烘焙师必须使用本地的当季水果和蔬莱,而且还要求一整年的主莱都不能重复。

    Around 1804 , Talleyrand challenged Car ê me to produce a full menu for his personal castle , instructing the young baker to use local , seasonal fruits and vegetables and to avoid repeating main dishes over the course of an entire year .

  25. 常规季9月到次年5月在音乐厅上演,夏天则在河湾。

    Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend .

  26. 他决定在集训季给雪莉·安安排一个位置。

    He decided to offer Shelly Ann a place in his very strict training seasons .

  27. 那位不情愿的家长会安排用餐时间、发邮件并为季末礼物筹款。

    The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule , sends out emails , and collects money for end-of-season gifts .

  28. 此外,他们只能吃到应季的食物。

    In addition , they could only get food that was in season .

  29. 如果演技不提高,《星际迷航》只能演一季。

    If the acting doesn 't improve , Star Trek won 't last for more than one series .

  30. 这是假日购物季的开始,也是自2005年以来美国一年中最繁忙的购物日。

    It is the start of the holiday shopping season , and it has been the busiest shopping day of the year in the US since 2005 .