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miào fǎ
  • ingenious expedient, doctrine of profound argumentation
妙法 [miào fǎ]
  • (1) [dodge;clever method]∶巧妙的办法或权宜之计

  • 一种特别的妙法使他父亲的房子有了电灯而不用花钱

  • (2) [(of Buddhism) a significant Buddhist doctrine]∶佛教指义理深远的佛法

  1. 对于想要更快入睡的人而言,上述这些因素都使得睡前读书成了催眠妙法。但如果打瞌睡的冲动让你总是无法读完一本好书,这里有几个消除睡意的窍门。

    These factors all make reading a great activity to add to your pre-sleep routine if you 're looking for ways to fall asleep faster . But if your body 's snoozing impulse is continually keeping you from enjoying a good book , there are some tricks to thwart6 it .

  2. 实际上,db4o向后兼容的妙法值得解释一下。

    Actually , db4o 's knack for backward-compatibility deserves a bit more explanation .

  3. 到目前为止还没有解决经济困难的妙法。

    So far there is no magic bullet for economic woe .

  4. 《妙法莲华经》是诸佛的果地,是佛菩萨倒驾慈航的方便。

    The Lotus Sutra indicates the expedient means of Buddha and Bodhisattva .

  5. 令爱长驻的妙法-将爱放飞

    Best Way to Keep Love is to Give It Wings

  6. 运动是促使血液循环的另一妙法。

    Another great tip to get the blood flowing .

  7. 第二大妙法是保证令人愉快的工作环境。

    The second tip is to ensure your surroundings are as pleasant as possible .

  8. 幸好,我发现了一些妙法让它们吃起来更美味!

    Luckily , I found some yummy ways to get them in your diet !

  9. 时间具有淘汰琐碎事务的妙法。&萨丕尔

    Time has a wonderful way of weeding out the trivial . & Richard Ben Sapir

  10. 这都要归功于师父教导我们即刻开悟的妙法。

    We owe it all to master for teaching us this wonderful method of gaining immediate enlightenment .

  11. 这里有7点妙法可帮你在新的工作岗位上度过最初的日子。

    Here are seven tips to help you make it through the first days at a new job .

  12. 我不能再忍受下去,虽然还不知有何妙法可以摆脱它。

    I will no longer endure it , though yet I know no wise remedy to avoid it .

  13. 比方说,人们发现了民间很多预测胎儿性别的妙法。

    For example , people have developed a lot of folk wisdom about predicting a baby 's sex .

  14. 《新科学杂志》强调的第一大妙法是,要善于交际,但不要过头。

    The first tip highlighted by New Scientist magazine is that workers should be sociable - but not too sociable .

  15. 《妙法莲华经》被喻为经中之王,是大乘佛教最重要的经典之一。

    The Lotus Sutra , praised as King of sutras , is one of the most important sutras of Mahayana .

  16. 在购物过程中增加商品接触体验机会,也是促进顾客消费的妙法。

    Adding touch to the shopping process adds another layer to the traditional shopping environment and increases the likelihood of a purchase .

  17. 南师大文学院藏03号《妙法莲华经》卷第三研究与校勘

    Research and Collation of No.03 the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra Roll Three Collected by the College of Liberal Arts , Nanjing Normal University

  18. 这一句陈腐的话,虽然平时他并不喜欢,但这时候他却觉得它是解决这一切问题的妙法了!

    Although he didn 't usually care for that hoary aphorism , it now seemed to contain a miraculous solution to all his problems .

  19. 通过利用高科技妙法,警察能够在被盗财产被查获后几小时之内找到其主人。

    Using their new highteeh wizardry , the police were able to locate the owners of the stolen property within hours of it being seized .

  20. 还他一个满不在乎,表示饭碗并不关心,这倒是挽回面子的妙法。

    The best way to regain face was to put on a show of indifference , to let people know he wasn 't worried about his job .

  21. 差不多世界各地城市的旧建筑都被派上新用场。这是拯救旧时建筑的妙法。

    In almost every city around the world , new uses are given to old buildings . It 's a great way to save the architecture from the past .

  22. 以人为中心的人本管理是科研管理的核心和发展方向,是塑造创新型管理者的成功妙法,是提高科技人员生命价值的科学管理方法。

    People-centered management is the core and developing direction of scientific management , the formula for creative administrators , and the scientific way to improve the value of scientific personnel .

  23. 她始终保持着善于交际的特点,她从不突然离开,也从不坐得太久。《新科学杂志》强调的第一大妙法是,要善于交际,但不要过头。

    She had always the social quality , was never rudely absent and yet never too seated . The first tip highlighted by New Scientist magazine is that workers should be sociable - but not too sociable .

  24. 如果要缓解工作时的压力,可以参考世界各地的研究得出的五大妙法,其中包括在办公桌前眨眼40下以及带着你的宠物去上班等。

    Five tips to lower stress at workplace When it comes to lowering stress at work , studies from around the world have yielded a set of five tips , with advice ranging from grabbing 40 winks at your desk to taking your pet to work .