
tóu rén
  • headman;tribal chief
头人 [tóu rén]
  • [tribal chief;headman] 旧时中国的某些少数民族的头领

头人[tóu rén]
  1. 商业资本操纵下的森林砍发,收益者只有当地土司头人及木业经营者,伐木工人则全部从内地雇用。

    The commercial capital handles the forest under and cuts the hair , the income person has operators of tribal chief and wood industry of local toast only , the lumbermans are all employed from the hinterland .

  2. 头人召唤众人&远近人群聚于一处;

    Then the Headman called the People-far and near they came in flocks .

  3. 蒙太古大人,两大相互仇杀家族的族姓头人之一。

    Montague , heads of two houses at variance with each other .

  4. 埃迪是这个部落受人尊敬的头人。

    Eddie was a respected elder of the tribe .

  5. 猪儿愿为一头人。

    The pig wishes it were a man .

  6. 拉祜西头人制度:传统与国家力量影响下的变迁

    The Headman System of the Ladhulsi : The Tradition and Change under the Effect of the State

  7. 九头人面兽画像石的出现在很大程度上反映出两汉时期人们的心理、文化、观念与信仰。

    The Nine-head Beast in large part reflects the culture and the faith of the Han Dynasty People .

  8. 那个小狗头人奴隶并没有挡住她的去路,但它的疏忽却显而易见缺乏对祭司的尊重。

    The little slave was not exactly blocking her path , but its inattention showed a lack of respect .

  9. 我记得有一个无头人骑着真的大白马追我,真是太可怕了。

    The scariest thing that I remembered was a headless man riding a real big , white horse , to chase me !

  10. 头人的儿子软硬兼施地阿支追求阿诗玛并将她关进牢笼逼婚。

    The son of the village head ahzhi tried to force ahshima to marry him , and the girl was even put into prison .

  11. 其联明抗清能够实现的原因主要是李定国在黔、滇民族地区采取了联合各地土司头人和少数民族人民共同抗清的政策。

    The main cause of the policy could realize was Li Ding-guo united the tribal chiefs and ethnic minority people together to repel Qing Dynasty .

  12. 她的村庄Kapsait离与乌干达的边界不远,村里的头人不想让她去跑步,因为她是女孩。

    In her native village of Kapsait , near the border with Uganda , community leaders did not want her to run because she was a girl .

  13. 其中一些是由退休的政府公务员组织,军政府支持的联邦巩固与发展协会,或由军政府信任的民族长老头人。

    Some of them are run by retired government servants , members of the junta-backed Union Solidarity and Development Association ( USDA ), or ethnic elders trusted by the regime .

  14. 至今,传统头人制度依然享有强有力的文化动员资源并努力维持着自身的边界,其作用蕴含在传统文化的脉络之中。

    But now , the traditional headmen still have large number of cultural resource to mobilize villagers and try to protect their borderline of power through the influence of traditional culture .

  15. 其中一个狗头人,背上遍布着刚刚被食人魔抽过的鞭痕,正忙着擦亮路边的公共长椅。

    One of these kobolds , whose back was lined with the recent marks of the ogre 's whip , was busily engaged in polishing a public bench near the edge of the street .

  16. 头人在处理村民事务和履行职责的过程中,虽然更多地是以拉祜族传统的古礼古规作为依据,但是在具体的表述上已经更趋向于使用国家法律法规之类的话语。

    Although the headmen take the traditional rules of Lahu people as his rules when dealing with affairs of his village , he tends to use the terms of national laws and the like in his words .

  17. 当时新疆的匪患主要是一些封建牧主、部落头人,他们胁迫许多不明真相的少数民族群众,利用宗教作为掩护,具有很强的蒙蔽性。

    It holds the idea that the bandits at that time had their own characteristics , mainly consisting of feudal herd owners and tribal chiefs , they coerced many ethnic groups into banditry under the cloak of religion .