
  1. 太阳能热发电技术的进展及现状

    History and Present Situation on Generate Electricity Technical of Solar Heat

  2. 槽式太阳能热发电技术研究现状与发展

    State and Trend of Solar Parabolic Trough Power Generation Technology

  3. 太阳能热发电技术的发展现状及主要问题

    Development and main problems of solar thermal power generation technology

  4. 塔式太阳能热发电技术研究

    Study on solar thermal power tower technology

  5. 太阳能热发电技术

    Solar Thermal Electric Generating Technology

  6. 碟式聚光太阳能热发电技术近30年在国际上取得了长足的发展。

    The technology of dish solar power generation gets substantial progress internationally in the recent three decades .

  7. 随着太阳能热发电技术的发展,储热材料的研究日益引起人们的关注。

    With the development of solar thermal power generation technology , the study of thermal storage materials has attracted increasing attention .

  8. 槽式太阳能热发电技术是最有发展潜力的太阳能热发电技术形式,但由于较低的系统效率大大限制了该技术的发展。

    As one of the most potential solar power technologies , parabolic trough solar power technology is greatly limited by its low efficiency .

  9. 碟式太阳能热发电技术是太阳能热利用中最有潜力的技术,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Disc type solar thermal power generation technology is the most potential of the technology in solar thermal utilization , and has a broad development prospects .

  10. 太阳能热发电技术是21世纪解决环境污染和能源危机的有效途径之一。

    Concentrating Solar Power ( CSP ) technology is one of the effective ways to solve environmental pollution and ecological destruction problems in the 21st century .

  11. 为深入研究塔式太阳能热发电技术,实现大规模定日镜的高精度、高效率跟踪控制奠定了良好的基础。

    The conclusions of this thesis lay a foudation to achieve the high-precision and high-efficiency control of the mass heliostats for the solar power tower technology .

  12. 能说的就是我们正在开发太阳能热发电技术,可以汇聚太阳光,然后通过一日光反射镜产生数百兆瓦的电量。

    The fundamentals are we 're developing solar thermal power generation to concentrate the sun 's rays and generate hundreds of megawatts through mirrors called heliostats .

  13. 热能储存是太阳能热发电技术的关键,也是解决能源问题的核心技术,目前正受到广泛的研究关注。

    Thermal storage is the key of solar thermal power generation technologies , and also is the core technology to solve energy problems , currently is under extensive research attention .

  14. 国内碟式斯特林太阳能热发电技术研究取得了一些成绩,但总体来说,目前还未获得实质性的进展,相关研究尚处于初级阶段。

    Although China has made some achievements in developing dish Stirling solar energy power generating technology , overall no substantial progress has been made and research is still in the early stage .

  15. 闭式Brayton循环的太阳能热动力空间发电技术

    A review on the closed brayton cycle solar dynamic space power system

  16. ACEII关注碳捕获,新一代核能,以及集中式太阳能热发电等可再生能源技术。

    ACEII 's work emphasizes coal with carbon capture , advanced nuclear power , and groundbreaking renewable energy technologies like concentrated solar thermal power .

  17. 为了提高槽式太阳能热发电系统性能和降低发电成本,槽式太阳能直接蒸汽热发电技术被提出并作为槽式热发电技术将来的发展方向。

    To improve performance and reduce costs , Direct Steam Generation ( DSG ) solar power plant has been proposed as a future development of the parabolic trough solar power technology .

  18. 太阳能发电分为太阳能光利用和热利用两大发电方式,本文详述了其中的光伏发电和太阳能热发电技术,介绍了世界各国太阳能发电系统的发展状况。

    Therefore it has huge strategical sense for national sustainable development Solar energy has two main usage : light and heat PV and solar heat generating are described detailedly in this paper , the developments of many other countries about solar energy generation are also included .