
  • 网络The Great Auk;Pinguinus impennis
  1. 大海雀是种灭绝的鸟类。

    The Great Auk is an extinct bird .

  2. 有人最后一次目击到活着的大海雀是在1852年,现于加拿大纽芬兰岛的大浅滩。

    The last known live great auk was spotted in 1852 at The Grand Banks of Newfoundland , Canada .

  3. 大海雀濒临灭绝,但它们的罕有却使得对它们的市场需求进一步上升。

    Great auks became endangered , and their rarity only heightened demand .

  4. 1844年的今天,最后一对大海雀被杀。

    1844-The last pair of Great Auks is killed .

  5. 他们所捕杀的是世上已知的最后一对成双的大海雀。

    The great auks they asphyxiated were the last mating pair ever seen .

  6. 他们正是受雇于某商人来捕杀大海雀的。

    The destructive trio had been hired by a merchant to hunt the birds .

  7. 几个世纪以来,上万,不,或许有好几百万的大海雀生活在北大西洋沿岸。

    Hundreds of thousands - possibly millions - thrived in North Atlantic ocean waters for centuries .

  8. 正如大家所见到的,大海雀的体型庞大,同样不能飞。

    The great auk , as you cansee , was a rather large bird , and it couldn 't fly either .

  9. 大海雀的羽毛、表皮、肉、脂肪以及它们13厘米长的蛋无不吸引着收藏家们和捕猎者。

    Valuable feathers , pelts , meat , oil , and 13-centimeter ( 5 in ) eggs tempted hunters and collectors .

  10. 1844年7月3日,席谷拉·艾斯雷森(SigurourIsleifsson)和另外两人探访了大海雀在冰岛埃尔德岛的栖息地,这也是世界上最后一个大海雀的栖息地。

    On July 3 , 1844 , Sigurour Isleifsson and two other men visited the last breeding colony on Iceland 's Eldey Island .

  11. 另称“原始企鹅”的大海雀身高1米,它们的翅膀只有15厘米长。

    Nicknamed " the original penguin , " it stood about 1 meter ( 3 ft ) tall and had tiny 15-centimeter ( 6 in ) wings .