
  1. 昨日上午,酝酿已久的上城区大学生创业园在完善了各项设施配套,完成了各种报批手续后,揭开面纱,在LOMO创意谷正式开园。

    Yesterday morning , long-awaited College Students Pioneer Park was officially open in LOMO Pioneering Valley , after finishing various facilities , the completion of the procedures .

  2. 高校大学生创业园若干法律问题浅析

    The Law Problems of Colleges and Universities Students ′ Entrepreneurship Park

  3. 最后,对浙江大学生创业园建设提出了对策,主要是优化创业环境和加强大学生创业园建设的战略思考。

    Finally , Zhejiang University Students measures proposed business park , mainly improve the environment and strengthening the construction of College Students Pioneering Park Strategy .

  4. 太原市大学生科技创业园运行机制和服务功能探讨

    Operating Mechanism and Service Function of Taiyuan Science and Technology Venture Park for College Students Effect and Approach of Educating Talents of Vocational Colleges Environment