
  • 网络tahe oilfield
  1. 塔河油田艾丁区块TK1247井XRF元素的地质意义

    The geologic meaning of XRF element for Well Tk 1247 in Aiding Block of Tahe Oilfield

  2. 塔河油田S100井井眼失稳原因分析及对策

    The Study on Causes of Wellbore Sloughing of Well S100 in Tahe Oilfield and the Measurements

  3. 塔河油田C区是近年在油气勘探史上的又一重大突破。

    The discovery of Block C of the Tahe Oil Field , Xinjiang marked a recent breakthrough in the oil and gas exploration in northwestern China .

  4. 塔河油田PDC钻头应用评价分析

    Evaluation of the PDC bit applied to Tahe oil field

  5. 将高分辨率多方位VSP地震方法应用于塔河油田储层描述,实现了上行反射P波和S波精确成像,提高了地震资料及储层预测的分辨率;

    Imaging of upgoing P and S waves reflected was realized . The resolution of seismic data and accuracy of reservoir prediction were improved .

  6. 通过塔河油田实际资料应用表明,在单独使用BP神经网络进行储层类型预测效果不是十分理想的情况下,采用这种处理技术,能够取得较好的效果。

    It has been shown in practical application in the Tahe Oil Field that this kind of processing technology brings good prediction effect in an area in which BP network has not predicted with extremely ideal effect .

  7. 利用FMI资料分析塔河油田南部中&下奥陶统储层构造应力场

    Analysis of the Lower-Middle Ordovician Reservoir Tectonic Stress Field Using FMI Data in the South of Tahe Oilfield

  8. PND测井识别气层在塔河油田的应用

    Application of Gas Zone Recognition with Pulsed Neutron Decay ( PND ) Logging in Tahe Oilfield

  9. 为了解决塔河油田三开固井质量不理想的难题,开发出以硅藻土&微硅为复合减轻剂,SY为高温稳定早强剂的LDHS水泥浆体系。

    In order to solve the knotty problem of poor cementing quality in Tahe Oilfield , LDHS cement slurry system is developed .

  10. 通过在新疆塔河油田PDC钻头使用后再修复使用的实践,证明修复的PDC钻头与新钻头一样可取得较好的技术指标,获得显著的经济和社会效益。

    Application of repaired PDC bit in Tahe Oilfield proved that repaired PDC bit is as good as new bit , and can obtain obvious economic and social benefit .

  11. 从地质和工程方面分析了塔河油田S100井三叠系、石炭系地层钻井过程中井眼易失稳的原因,给出了其钻井液及工程技术措施。

    This paper analyzes causes of sloughing during drilling through Triassic and Carboniferous systems of well S100 in Tahe Oilfield proceed from geology and engineering aspects and presents the corresponding muds and engineering measures .

  12. 为解决塔河油田原油粘度高、开采难度大的问题,开发了破乳降粘剂SD-10A。

    The SD-10A demulsifiers and viscosity reducers are developed for recovering the viscous crude oil in Tahe Oilfield .

  13. 塔河油田碳酸盐岩储层类型测井分析

    Analysis of carbonate reservoir types by logging data in Tahe oilfield

  14. 人工神经网络技术在塔河油田的应用

    Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Carbonate Reservoir in Tahe Field

  15. 塔河油田酸压工艺管柱研究

    Study on the acid fracturing pipe string of Tahe oil field

  16. 塔河油田稠油粘度特性试验研究

    Experiment on Viscosity Properties of Viscous Crude Oil in Tahe Oilfield

  17. 塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶发育模式的测井分析

    Well-log analysis on Karst model of Ordovician carbonate in Tahe Oilfield

  18. 塔河油田长裸眼井快速钻井技术

    The Faster Drilling Techniques for Long Open Holes in Tahe Oilfield

  19. 塔河油田油气成因和运移的氦同位素证据

    Helium isotopic evidence for hydrocarbon generation and migration in Tahe Oilfield

  20. 塔河油田紊流、塞流复合顶替固井技术

    Combination displacement cementing of turbulent and plug flow in Tahe Oilfield

  21. 塔河油田碳酸盐岩油藏水平井部署方法

    Methods of disposing horizontal wells in carbonate reservoir in Tahe Oilfield

  22. 塔河油田机械采油工艺浅析

    Brief Analysis for Mechanical Oil Production Technology of Tahe Oil field

  23. 塔河油田超深自喷井流态特征分析

    Flow pattern character analysis on ultra-deep flowing well in Tahe Oilfield

  24. 塔河油田三叠系油藏特征分析

    Study of the characteristics of the Triassic reservoir in Tahe Oilfield

  25. 超深井酸压工艺技术在塔河油田的应用

    Application of Acid Fracturing Technology in Ultradeep Wells in Tahe Field

  26. 塔河油田存在大量泡沫稠油。

    Taha oilfield has a large amount of foam heavy oil .

  27. 塔河油田奥陶系多期岩溶作用的识别标志

    Identification signs of multiphase karstification of Ordovician reservoir in Tahe Oilfield

  28. 塔河油田三号联合站原油脱硫工艺的优化联合抽油的中心驱动站

    Desulfurization Process Optimization at No.3 Central Gathering Station in Tahe Oilfield

  29. 塔河油田加里东期岩溶储层特征及分布预测

    Characteristics of Caledonian Karstification Reservoir in Tahe Oilfield and Its Distribution

  30. 塔河油田7号区块深井优快钻井技术

    Fast Drilling Technology for Deep Wells in Block-7 in Tahe Oilfield