  • bury;cover;lay
  • 葬:~葬。

  • 把东西放在坑里用土、雪、落叶盖上:掩~。~地雷。

  • 隐藏:~没(mò)。~伏。~头。隐姓~名。

  • 〔~怨〕因为事情不如意而对人或事物表示不满、责怪(“怨”读轻声)。


(盖住) cover; bury; lay:

  • 掩埋


  • 埋雷

    lay mines;

  • 隐姓埋名

    conceal one's identity;

  • 房子半截被埋在雪里。

    The house was half buried under snow.

  1. 吊车梁用钢管预埋的新方法

    Before hand cover up of steel pipe in crane beam

  2. 然后,放进种子,再用土把它埋起来。

    Then , put the seeds in and cover them with soil .

  3. 电缆埋在地平面下一米深的地方。

    The cables are buried one metre below ground level .

  4. 狗把骨头埋在花园里。

    The dog had buried its bone in the garden .

  5. 她把脸埋进他的怀里。

    She burrowed her face into his chest .

  6. 他埋在一处无名冢下。

    He was buried in an unmarked grave .

  7. 他找了个合适的地方,挖个坑,把包埋了进去。

    He found a suitable place , scraped a hole and buried the bag in it .

  8. 她把脸埋在枕头里,又开始抽噎起来。

    She began to sob again , burying her face in the pillow

  9. 我们在夜深人静的时候把它埋到了花园里。

    We buried it in the garden at dead of night

  10. 古斯科特很少发表意见,他更喜欢把自己的看法埋在心里。

    Guscott rarely speaks out , preferring to keep his own counsel .

  11. 她把头埋到被子底下,假装睡着了。

    She buried her head under the covers , pretending to be asleep

  12. 放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理。

    Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground

  13. 埋在灰烬里的尸体慢慢地腐烂了。

    The bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed

  14. 他拿起一把铁锨,挖了个坑,将自己曾经珍爱的物品埋了起来。

    He took a shovel , dug a hole , and buried his once-prized possessions

  15. 她将脸埋在他外套的衣领下,开始哭了起来。

    She hid her face under the collar of his jacket and she started to cry

  16. 她把脸埋进枕头里。

    She buried her face in the pillows

  17. 男孩们挖了坑,埋了饵,这样他们就可以刺杀猎物了。

    The boys dug pits and baited them so that they could spear their prey .

  18. 他们通过把木材埋到地下缓慢燃烧来获取木炭。

    They make the charcoal by burying wood in the ground and then slowly burning it .

  19. “这项税收将为日后埋下祸根,”一位愤怒的保守党后座议员说道。

    ' This tax is a disaster waiting to happen , ' said an angry Tory backbencher .

  20. 埋在地下隧道里的线圈可能很快就会被用来储存大量的电。

    Coils buried in tunnels below the ground might soon be used to store large amounts of electricity .

  21. 表面上,这似乎是开启了一个极棒的项目,但实际上却是为一场大的灾难埋下了伏笔。

    Outwardly this looked like the beginning of a terrific programme but the stage was actually set for a major disaster .

  22. 一位农民发现了一些深埋地下的尸骨。

    A farmer found some bones buried deep beneath the ground .

  23. 挖的时候小心点!这座房子下面埋有管道。

    Be careful while digging ! There is a conduit underneath the house .

  24. 挖一个坑把垃圾埋掉。

    Dig a pit and bury the garbage .

  25. 他们发掘出一座埋在地下的古城。

    They excavated an ancient buried city .

  26. 自家掘坑自家埋,怨天尤人全是错误的。

    They are digging their own graves , and they have no right to blame fate or other people .

  27. 把这种化学剂埋到地里庄稼就会长得更快。

    Dig this chemical in and your crops will grow faster .

  28. 树苗被堆起来的雪埋住了。

    The saplings were buried in drifts of snow .

  29. 敌人在墙下埋了地雷。

    The enemy mined under the wall .

  30. 我们的侦察兵把敌人埋的地雷一下子全排除了。

    Our scouts brushed aside in one breath all the mines laid by the enemy .