
  1. 今年,中兴Axon天机成为了新一代官方礼物,塞尔维亚总统尼科利奇、塔吉克斯坦总统艾玛马力·拉赫蒙、波黑轮值主席德拉甘·乔维奇、埃塞俄比亚总理海尔马里亚姆·德萨莱尼等多位国家元首都先后收到这份礼物。

    This year , ZTE 's AXON devices have been given as gifts to Serbian President Tomislav Nikoli ? , President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon , Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina 's tripartite Presidency Dragan Covic , and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe .

  2. 埃塞俄比亚总理梅莱斯泽纳维(meleszenawi)最近表示,该国政府“非常希望”为投资方提供数十万公顷的农业用地。

    Meles Zenawi , Prime Minister of Ethiopia , said recently its government was " very eager " to provide hundreds of thousands of hectares of agricultural land for investment .

  3. 埃塞俄比亚总理MelesZenawi宣布该国在索马里的任务已经完成,他对议会宣布,埃塞俄比亚军队结束了为期两年有争议的任务,数周之内即将回国。

    Ethiopia 's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has declared " mission accomplished " in Somalia , and told parliament Ethiopian troops will be home from their controversial two-year military mission within weeks .

  4. 非盟代表团成员包括肯尼亚总统和埃塞俄比亚总理。

    The African Union delegation includes the Kenyan president and Ethiopian prime minister .

  5. 尽管围绕着南北双方没有划定的边界线口水战不断,这两位领导人还是向埃塞俄比亚总理梅莱斯提出派遣一支维和团的正式要求。

    Amid word of fighting along the undefined North-South border , the two leaders are making a formal request to Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to send a peacekeeping mission .

  6. 埃塞俄比亚总理和卢旺达的总理在计划生育峰会前夕发表在医学杂志《柳叶刀》上的文章中写道,提供避孕“是听取父母们的心声”。

    Providing contraception " is about listening to what parents want " , wrote the prime ministers of Ethiopia and Rwanda in the lancet , a medical journal , on the eve of the summit .

  7. 埃塞俄比亚副总理德萨莱尼也支持这种观点,他表示,由于全球变暖的影响,这个地区的粮食不安全从农耕社区向畜牧业地区转移。

    Ethiopia 's Deputy Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn echoed that , saying food insecurity in the region is shifting from settled farm communities to pastoral areas because of the effects of global warming .

  8. 本周,埃塞俄比亚人密切关注总理梅莱斯·泽纳维病情的最新进展。

    This week , Ethiopians were closely following any news about the condition of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi . A spokesman said in Addis Ababa on Thursday that the prime minister was taking sick leave on doctors ' orders .