
  • 网络THE PRINCE OF EGYPT;When You Believe
  1. 埃及王子

    The prince of Egypt

  2. 在同年梦工厂使用传统动画又生产了《埃及王子》。

    In the same year DreamWorks SKG produced The Prince of Egypt using traditional animation techniques .

  3. 这不是阿拉伯国家首次因宗教原因禁播好莱坞影片:今年春天,达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基(DarrenAronofsky)的《诺亚方舟》(Noah)在七个国家遭禁;1998年,动画片《埃及王子》(ThePrinceofEgypt)在埃及遭禁。

    It 's not the first time Arab countries have banned Hollywood films because of religion : Darren Aronofsky 's " Noah " was barred in several countries in the spring , and the animated movie " The Prince of Egypt " was forbidden in Egypt in 1998 .

  4. 摩西,你不是天生的埃及王子。

    You were not born Prince of egypt , moses .

  5. 没可能的,怎会是埃及王子?

    It is not possible . a Prince of egypt !

  6. 现在,神终于听到了我的祈祷。&《埃及王子》。

    And God has never answered my prayers until now .

  7. 据美联社1月7日报道,努拉南表示,他妈妈在收拾房间时将那本名为《埃及王子》的书放错了地方才导致了此事的发生。

    Nuranen said his mother misplaced the copy of " Prince of Egypt " while cleaning the house .

  8. 这位英俊的埃及王子,40岁以前的生活是那么舒适。可是现在,他得穿过炽热的沙漠,翻过高高的山,来逃命。

    The handsome prince who had life so easy for 40 years , now found himself running for his life across hot dry deserts and mountains . ? ?

  9. 我知道你是谁,你可不是埃及的王子!

    I know who you are , and you not a prince of Egypt !

  10. 不会让你把他变成埃及的王子。

    I will not see you make this son of slaves a prince of egypt .

  11. 作为埃及的王子,在过去的七年内,约瑟聪明地准备埃及迎接将要到来的荒年。

    As the prince of Egypt , Joseph has worked wisely for the last 7 years to prepare Egypt for the coming famine .

  12. 刚才约瑟还是一名囚犯,现在,他站在法老的王宫里成了埃及的王子。

    One moment Joseph was a prisoner , the next , he was standing in Pharaoh 's court as the prince of Egypt !