
dì fɑnɡ shuì wù jú
  • local taxation bureau;local taxes administration;excise office
  1. 强化服务促产增收深入开展促产增收大力加强地税征管&记兰州市城关区地方税务局

    Offer Better Service to Promote Production and Increase Revenue The Local Taxation Bureau of Chengguan District In Lanzhou

  2. 中山市地方税务局把2010年确定为征管质效提升年,恰逢良机,饮食业税收分析系统就是在这样的环境下形成思路,并展开研究与开发工作。

    Local Taxation Bureau of Zhongshan city set 2010 as the year of taxation management promotion , being benefited from this good opportunity , the idea of developing a catering industry taxation analytical system came into being .

  3. XX市地方税务局YY中心分局

    YY Central Sub-bureau of Local Taxation , XX Municipality

  4. 然后将评估指数与评估分级标准相比较,得出JT县地方税务局2009年基于平衡计分卡的绩效评估的结果。

    And then evaluate the evaluation index and ranking criteria , that JT County local taxation Bureau 2009 based on a balanced scorecard performance assessment results .

  5. 地方税务局发票管理系统的开发与实现

    The Development and Implement of Invoice Management System of Local Tax Bureau

  6. 我打赌地方税务局的女士们会完全赞成这个提议。

    I bet the ladies at the local tax office are all for it .

  7. 梅州市地方税务局公务员工作满意度的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Job Satisfaction of Meizhou Municipal Local Tax Bureau Civil Servants

  8. 昌邑市地方税务局税收征管系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Tax Collection and Management System for Changyi Local Taxation Bureau

  9. 厦门市地方税务局。

    Local Taxation Bureau of Xiamen .

  10. 本论文题目为葫芦岛市地方税务局信息网站开发。

    The subject of the thesis is The Information Website Development of Huludao Local Taxation Bureau .

  11. 广州市地方税务局(以下简称“地税局”),在本网站免费提供一个文字转换软件链接。

    Guangzhou Local Taxation Bureau provides a character-based translation link free of charge in this web site .

  12. 曾任北京市地方税务局党组成员、副局长。

    He was a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of Beijing Local Taxation Bureau .

  13. 其次,概述了湘潭市地方税务局组织文化建设的主要做法。

    Next , introduced the major measures of organizational culture of local tax bureau in XiangTan city .

  14. 请填写《无锡市地方税务局退税申请书》。

    Please fill out " Application form on Tax Refund of the Wuxi Local Tax Bureau " .

  15. 家税务局和地方税务局的,由国家税务总局统一组织协调。企业。

    Or involving both state tax bureaus and local tax bureaus , will be organized and coordinated .

  16. 他们为西北经济建设添砖加瓦&记陕西省地方税务局

    Shanxi Provincial Local Taxation Bureau

  17. 丽江县地方税务局

    Lijiang Local Taxation Bureau

  18. 三月,北京市地方税务局举行一周的宣传活动来提高纳税人的自觉纳税意识。

    In march , the Beijing Local Tax Bureau is staging a one-week publicity drive to promote taxpayers'self-compliance .

  19. 第十四条本办法适用中的具体问题,由省地方税务局负责解释。

    The provincial department of local taxes shall be responsible for interpreting the concrete problems occurred in applying these Measures .

  20. 经过十多年的基础设施建设,铜陵市地方税务局的税务信息化工作已经具备了一定的规模。

    After ten years of infrastructure construction , Tongling Municipal Bureau has been the tax information with a certain scale .

  21. 魏:你好!我们是南京市地方税务局稽查局的稽查人员。

    W : Good morning , sir . We are inspectors from the tax inspection deparment , Nanjing Local Taxation Bureau .

  22. 税收分析系统研究&天津地方税务局经济技术开发区分局项目实施

    Tax Analysis System Research & Item of Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area ( Teda ) Branch of Tianjin Local Taxation Bureau Execute

  23. 现将《吉林市地方税务局税收管理员与稽查员纳税服务规范》印发给你们,请遵照执行。

    Now ," Jilin City and the local tax inspector Tax Administrator Tax Service Standards " issued to you , please comply .

  24. 唐山机场新区行政中心规划及唐山市地方税务局、唐山市人民检察院办公楼设计

    Planning of Administrative Center in Tangshan New Airport District and Office Building Design of Tangshan Local Tax Bureau and Tangshan People 's Procuratorates

  25. 一天,约翰逊先生来到北京地方税务局的办税服务大厅并对资源税的情况向工作人员进行了咨询。

    One day , Mr. Johnson come to Tax Service Hall of Beijing Local Tax Bureau and consult them about Resource Tax matters .

  26. 承租房屋要取得无锡市租赁业发票或无锡市地方税务局特种发票。

    Leasing or renting-out property must use Wuxi leasing / renting business special invoice or special invoice issued by the Wuxi local tax bureau .

  27. 谢:好的。他可以申请退税。请填写《南京市地方税务局收放退还申请单》。

    OK . He can get a refund . Please fill out the application for an income refund issued by Nanjing Local Taxation Bureau .

  28. 然而,目前大连市地方税务局正是在这方面存在着严重的问题,缺乏科学的职务分析,亟需建立一套完整的职务分析系统。

    However , at present , there exists serious problem in scientific position analyses , founding a whole set of position analyses is in great need .

  29. 各地国家税务局和地方税务局要共同督促个体、营经济业户做好建帐工作。

    State tax bureaus and local tax bureaus in all localities should jointly supervise and urge business households of self-employed private economy to establish accounting books .

  30. 另外,由于土地增值税和物业税都是地税,具体的执行需要地方税务局进行操作。

    In addition , because the land value-added tax and property tax are the tax needs of the local implementation of specific operation of the IRD .