
  • 网络state tax;national tax;national taxation
  1. 国家税收;为研究和开发所贮存的资金。

    State tax moneys ; monies set aside for research and development .

  2. 当前,国家税收流失问题不可忽视。

    At present , the problem of state tax losses can not be neglected .

  3. 爱尔兰对自己的国家税收政策进行了辩护,并表示,倘若欧盟委员会的裁定不利于自己,就将立即向欧洲法院(EuropeanCourtofJustice)提起上诉。

    Ireland defends its national tax policy and has said that it will appeal immediately to the European Court of Justice if the decision goes against it .

  4. 欧盟(EU)围绕加强银行安全的规则的谈判再现波折,欧洲银行正面临不得不披露其在每个国家税收和利润细节的威胁。

    European banks are facing the threat of having to reveal their taxes and profits on a country-by-country basis in the latest twist to the EU negotiations over rules to make banks safer .

  5. 随着我国加入WTO,有越来越多的企业会面临着出口业务的处理,正确地掌握有关国家税收政策,是企业正确进行会计处理和税收筹划的前提。

    With the entering WTO of our country , more and more enterprises face the problem-how to deal with export business . Correctly grasping tax policies of our country is the premise of correct accounting deal and tax arrangement of enterprises .

  6. 尤其是在WTO背景下,我国的涉农企业要取得长足的发展和进步,通过国家税收优惠法律体系加大对涉农企业的支持和投入力度在当前是极其必要的。

    Especially under WTO background , the agriculture-related enterprise of our country should obtain considerable development and progress , it is extremely essential at present to strengthen the support and input power to the agriculture-related enterprise through the legal system of national tax allowance .

  7. IFS的分析表示,利用国家税收的失业金和养老金领取者的生活会比税后的工薪家庭过得好与通货膨胀上升5.2%是有关联的。

    The IFS analysis showed the unemployed and pensioners living on state benefits would do better than working families after benefits were linked to the5.2 % rise in inflation .

  8. 你为什么会认为国家税收管理发生了改变呢?

    Why do you think national revenue management has come about ?

  9. 国家税收连年大幅度增长。

    National tax revenue grew by a large margin every year .

  10. 这些变化对唐代农村生活、城乡经济以及国家税收结构等等都具有划时代的意义。

    This change had in important significance on economy of the time .

  11. 税收负担构成了一个国家税收政策和税收制度的核心内容,是税收作为经济调控手段的主要着力点。

    Tax burden is the main part of tax system and tax policy .

  12. 试论国家税收管辖权及其冲突之协调

    On Coordination of Conflict and National Jurisdiction of Taxation

  13. 从税收角度而言,企业(特别是一些外商投资企业)滥用关联交易转移定价,往往会造成国家税收的流失。

    Companies often dodge tax by abusing transfer pricing .

  14. 资本外逃对国家税收的影响及对策

    The Impact of China ′ s Capital Flight on Revenue and its Countermeasures

  15. 然而,对国家税收主权的全方位挑战和侵蚀,并不意味着国家税收主权的消失。

    But the challenging can 't be deemed as the vanishing of tax sovereignty .

  16. 税务行政强制作为行政强制在税收领域的适用,其目的为了保障国家税收及时足额入库。

    Applied in taxation Administrative mandatory regime is designed to guaranty the national revenue .

  17. 寡头垄断的产业内贸易时国家税收决策

    National Tariff Policy under Oligopoly Intra-Industry Trade

  18. 本文重点论述跨国电子商务下国家税收管辖权相关法律问题。

    This paper emphasizes on the related legal problems of the jurisdiction for taxing E-commerce .

  19. 发达资本主义国家税收

    Tax revenue in developed capitalist countries

  20. 随着国民收入逐渐向个人倾斜,国家税收将更依赖个人所得税,个人所得税对促进经济增长的作用势必越来越大。

    The function of promoting economic growth of the personal income tax will be greater and greater .

  21. 另外,还需要及时了解国家税收政策,降低税收风险。

    In addition , the need to keep abreast of national tax policy , lower taxes risk .

  22. 获取收益是企业经营的主要目的之一,也是国家税收的基础。传统会计学派认为,收益作为企业业绩的综合计量指标,受到企业外部利益关系者的极大关注,收益表是企业会计最重要的产品。

    Income is not only the main goal of the enterprise operation but also the revenue base .

  23. 国家税权又细分为征税权、国家税收立法权;

    The country power includes the power of taxation collection and the power of taxation revenue legislation ;

  24. 税收优惠政策是国家税收政策的有机组成部分。

    The preferential policy of tax revenue is the composition part of the national policy of tax revenue .

  25. 一般而言,破坏国家税收秩序主要有两方面的因素:一是来自外部的因素,即纳税人的偷、逃、骗税行为;

    Generally speaking , there are two aspects of factors to destroy the taxation order of a country ;

  26. 公民财产权是国家税收的源泉;国家公权则是公民财产权的保障。

    The property right is the source of government tax revenue and is guaranteed by the national public power .

  27. 本文系统分析了上述这些方面,并且将全球化下国家税收安全体系的建设视为一项综合性的整体工程来构建,而不是作为一些分散的项目来实施。

    The article analyses these aspects and proposes a perfect income maintenance program as a whole instead of separating fragments .

  28. 涉税犯罪是对我国刑事法律所规定的各种危害国家税收制度犯罪行为的统称。

    Tax - related crimes include all kinds of offence aganist China 's tax system according to Chinese criminal law .

  29. 市场是商品交易的重要场所,也是国家税收的主要来源之一。

    Market is an important place for commodity exchange , and one of the most important sources of state taxation .

  30. 地方税收作为国家税收的一个组成部分,反映的是中央与地方的税收分配关系。

    Local taxes , as a part of national revenue , reflecting the central and local tax revenue distribution relations .