
  • 网络Purine metabolism
  1. 嘌呤代谢是动物含氮废物排出体外的重要途径之一。

    The end product of purine metabolism varies from species to species .

  2. 日本血吸虫嘌呤代谢的研究

    Purine metabolism in Schistosoma japonicum

  3. 庚肝病毒复制时嘌呤代谢酶活性及IL-6和IL-8的浓度变化

    Changes of serum purine metabolic enzyme activities and two cytokinin concentrations in patients with hepatitis G virus replication

  4. 痛风症(gout)是由于体内嘌呤代谢紊乱导致尿酸生成过多的疾病,已被联合国列为21世纪二十大顽症之一。

    Gout is due to the excessive of uric acid owing to the metabolism disorder of purine in vivo .

  5. 结论服用6MP前测定TPMT活性和服药时监测TGNs浓度能够有助于预防抗嘌呤代谢药物的不良反应,指导其化疗个体化,改善疗效。

    Conclusion Detection of TPMT activity before 6-MP therapy and TGNs level during 6-MP therapy may be helpful for preventing side effects from antipurine metabolic drug overdose , and individualizing 6-MP chemotherapy in children with ALL .

  6. 痛风是由于嘌呤代谢异常引起的疾病。

    Gout is caused by abnormal metabolism of purine .

  7. 使用高效液相色谱技术测定嘌呤代谢产物(尿酸、黄嘌呤、次黄嘌呤、次黄苷)及嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶的活性。

    The activity of purine nucleoside phosphorylase and release of purine were assayed by HPLC .

  8. 动物体内,嘌呤代谢的终产物因物种不同而存在很大差异。

    In animals , the end products of purine degradation vary greatly from species to species .

  9. 尿酸是人体内嘌呤代谢的最终产物,一般由肾脏排出。

    Uric acid is a final product of purine catabolism , which is excreted by the renal metabolism .

  10. 尿囊酸酶是嘌呤代谢中一种重要的酶,将尿囊酸催化成尿羟乙酸。

    Allantoicase is an important enzyme of purine degradation , which catalyzes the hydrolysis of allantoic acid to ureidoglycolate .

  11. 痛风是长期嘌呤代谢障碍、血尿酸增高引起的代谢性疾病,高尿酸血症是痛风的重要生化基础。

    Gout is a metabolic disease of tissue damage due to long-term purine metabolic disturbance , rising serum uric acid .

  12. 综合考虑患者体内的嘌呤代谢和脂质代谢,尤其对于糖尿病患者更为重要,也更有利于临床医师合理评价冠状动脉风险。

    Purine and lipid metabolism are important in diabetes patients and are more helpful for physician to evaluate coronary artery risk .

  13. 尿酸氧化酶是生物体内嘌呤代谢途径中最后一个关键酶,决定了嘌呤代谢的最终产物。

    Uricase ( UOX ) is a key enzyme in the metabolic pathway of purine , which decides the final breakdown product of purine in living organism .

  14. 尿酸酶[EC1.7.3.3]是嘌呤代谢过程中的一种酶,它可将尿酸水解为更易溶于水的尿囊素。

    Uricase [ EC ] is an enzyme involved in the purine degradation pathway and catalyzes the hydrolysis of uric acid to the more water-soluble allantoin .

  15. 高尿酸血症是嘌呤代谢障碍性疾病,也是与代谢异常综合征和糖尿病密切相关性疾病之一,其主要原因是尿酸生成过多或肾脏排泄减少。

    Hyperuricemia is a purine metabolic disorders are associated with the metabolic syndrome and diabetes , one closely related diseases , mainly because of too much or renal excretion of uric acid reduction .

  16. 背景尿酸是嘌呤代谢产物,人类进化过程中尿酸酶基因突变,使人的血尿酸水平较其它哺乳动物高。

    Background . Uric acid is the product of purine metabolism ; however , a relatively higher level of serum uric acid in human is observed than that in other mammals since genetic mutations .

  17. 在许多物种体内均发现有尿酸氧化酶,但在鸟类及一些高等灵长类动物(如猿和人类)的体内却缺乏具有功能的尿酸酶,而是以尿酸作为嘌呤代谢的终产物排出体外。

    Urate oxidase has been found in the body of many species , while birds and some higher primates ( eg apes and humans ) lack functional urate oxidase in vivo and excrete uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism .

  18. 高尿酸血症是一种嘌呤代谢障碍性疾病,常伴有冠心病、高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症等,并与年龄、性别、肥胖、体质量指数等显著相关。

    Hyperuricemia is a kind of disease with metabolic block of purin metabolism , which is always accompanied by coronary heart disease , hypertension , diabetes , hyperlipemia and so on , and have significant correlation with age , gender , fat , weight index and so on .

  19. 人类由于基因突变而缺乏活性尿酸酶,这导致人类以尿酸作为嘌呤代谢的终产物。当人血液中尿酸浓度高于其溶解度(高尿酸血症)时可引起尿酸性肾病和痛风性关节炎。

    Human beings lack active uricase because of gene mutations , leading to uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism and resulting in the development of urate nephropathy and gouty arthritis when the concentration of uric acid reaches its solubility limit in blood ( hyperuricemia ) .

  20. Pathway分析发现这些差异基因涉及最多的是核糖体、光合作用、氧化磷酸化、嘌呤嘧啶代谢和叶绿素合成途径中。

    These genes involved in ribosome , photosynthesis , oxidative phosphorylation , purine and pyrimidine metabolism and chlorophyll biosynthesis .

  21. 海洛因对大鼠C6细胞核酸及嘌呤核苷酸代谢的影响

    Effect of Heroin on Gene Expression of Nucleic Acid and Nucleotides Metabolism in C6 Glioma Cell

  22. 吗啡在基因水平对脑嘌呤核苷酸代谢的影响

    Effect of morphine on purine nucleotides metabolism in gene level

  23. 大强度运动对大鼠嘌呤核苷酸代谢的影响及运动模型研究

    Effects of High Intensity Exercise on Purine Nucleotide Metabolism of Rats And Study of Motor Model

  24. 从现在的研究情况来看,在阿片类依赖戒断时,涉及了神经系统、神经内分泌系统、细胞内信号转导调控系统、嘌呤核苷酸代谢系统等一系列复杂的微观调控系统的改变。

    During the opioid dependence , a series of regulation systems have been changed in recent research , such as neuronal system .

  25. 用来干扰嘌呤新城代谢和严重的白血病的药物(商标是巯基嘌呤)。

    A drug ( trade name Purinethol ) that interferes with the metabolism of purine and is used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia .

  26. 观察大强度运动对大鼠嘌呤核苷酸代谢的影响,同时分析所建运动模型的可行性。

    The effects of high intensity exercise on purine nucleotide metabolism of rats were studied in this paper . Simultaneously , the feasibility of the motor model was discussed .

  27. 结论:吗啡影响神经细胞嘌呤核苷酸代谢,使细胞内腺苷酸及腺苷水平增高,这可能是吗啡依赖和耐受形成的机理之一。

    Conclusion Morphine may affect purine nucleotide metabolism of nerve cells , increase the adenylate and adenosine levels , which may be one of the mechanism of morphine dependence and tolerance .

  28. 目的:通过研究吗啡对大鼠脑组织嘌呤核苷酸代谢的影响,寻找吗啡依赖相关的调控与效应基因。

    Objective : To observe the changes of purine nucleotide metabolism of rat central nervous system during morphine dependence and withdrawal , and look for regulating and domino effect related to morphine dependence .

  29. 脑缺血及其再灌注后可通过花生四烯酸代谢途径、嘌呤核苷酸代谢途径及一氧化氮途径产生自由基,可能是血脑屏障通透性增加的重要机制。

    Free radicals were produced in the process of arachidonic acid metabolism , adenosine purine nucleotide metabolism and nitric oxide pathway after cerebral ischemia and reperfusion , which may be an important mechanism of BBB permeability alteration .

  30. 结论:海洛因给药使脾中ADA、XOD活力升高,引起嘌呤核苷酸分解代谢增强,而且脾细胞核苷酸分解代谢增强是海洛因依赖引起的免疫力下降的重要原因。

    Conclusion Administration of heroin can enhance the activities of ADA and XOD and promote the purine nucleotides catabolism in spleen .