
  1. 在此基础上,回答唐英研究中几个值得注意的问题。

    On the basis of , I answer several important questions .

  2. 唐英戏剧创作在艺术形式上的创新

    Artistic Innovations in TANG Ying 's Opera - Writing

  3. 而民间性的缺失,正是昆曲衰落的原因,这就确证了唐英在戏曲史上的地位。

    The decline of Kun Opera right results from the lacking of such folk characteristics , which confirms the role of Tang Ying played in the history of Chinese opera .

  4. 唐英与蒋士铨并列清中叶戏曲三大家中,在清代戏曲史上占有重要地位。

    Tang Ying and Jiang Shiquan , two of the three masters of Kun Opera in the middle of Qing Dynasty , play important roles in the history of Qing opera .