
  1. 唐代宦官诸使研究

    The Study of Various Eunuch Special Commissioners in the Tang Dynasty

  2. 唐代宦官养子制度探略

    An inquiry into the adoption system of the eunuch in the Tang Dynasty

  3. 唐代宦官的权势经安史之乱发生了重大的变化。

    The power of the eunuch had taken place great changes since An-shi Rebellion in Tang Dynasty .

  4. 试析唐代反宦官斗争的艰巨性&与东汉时期对比分析

    An Analysis of the Hardship in Fighting against the Eunuch in Tang Dynasty & Comparing with Eastern Han Dynasty

  5. 唐代后期宦官掌握军权主要是通过宦官担任军职、专典禁军和宦官监军制度而实现的。

    In late Tang Dynasty , the eunuch 's monoply of military power was realized by the systems of the eunuch taking military positions , governing the imperial army and supervising the army .

  6. 神策军中尉是唐代中后期宦官最为显赫的职务,其职权通过典领中央禁军而不断延伸,逐步侵夺宰相的议政决策大权,进而把持朝政,最终形成宦官专权的局面。

    The power of the commander of Shen-ce Forces was so greatly strengthened that it gradually took over the power of the prime minister and controlled the court administration in the end .

  7. 论唐代童子科同时,宦官与佛教的关系中又折射着宦官之间、宦官与皇室、宦官与朝臣以及宦官与社会等等关系的因素。

    Also , the relationship between eunuchs and Buddhism refracted that among eunuchs , those of eunuchs to the imperial family , to courtiers and to the society etc.