
  1. 而且,似乎是为了有意强调高塔和贸易能将人们连在一起,哈利法塔的设计也是SOM建筑事务所完成的,这跟世界贸易中心一号大楼一样。

    And , as if to reinforce the point that towers and trade bring peoples together , the Burj Khalifa was designed by SOM , architects of One World Trade Center .

  2. 目前哈利法塔观景台关闭的确切原因尚不清楚。

    The precise cause of the Dubai skyscraper 's closure remained murky .

  3. 最好的那张是迪拜的哈利法塔的阴影。

    The best one is the shadow of Al Bruj Khalifa tower Dubai .

  4. 如今,这座改名为哈利法塔的建筑成了迪拜丧失独立性的标志。

    The newly named Burj Khalifa is now a symbol of Dubai 's loss of independence .

  5. 哈利法塔观景台于上周日被关闭后,一直未得到伊玛尔房地产公司关于该塔何时将重新开放的通知。

    Emaar did not say when the observation deck would reopen following last Sunday 's closure .

  6. 目前还不清楚哈利法塔的其它楼层是否受到观景台关闭的影响。

    It was unclear if the rest of the building was affected by the observation deck 's shutdown .

  7. 我们曾经为你报道过哈利法塔如何清洗窗户的问题。

    We 've visited the Burj Khalifa before reporting on what it 's like to wash its windows .

  8. 2010年1月4日,哈利法塔(原名迪拜塔)向公众开放。

    On January 4 , 2010 , the Burj Khalifa ( formerly known as the Burj Dubai ) opened to the public .

  9. 世界最高建筑哈利法塔也在迪拜,其建筑结构还打破了其他记录。

    The worlds tallest building called Burj Khalifa is also here . The structure is famous for breaking a few other records .

  10. 当这幢世界上最高建筑,迪拜的哈利法塔开始建造的伊始,人们使用了24000块单独的玻璃。

    When they built the world 's tallest building , Dubai 's Burj Khalifa , it was covered in 24000 separate panels of glass .

  11. 此外,阿联酋的邻国沙特阿拉伯正在吉达港建造另外一座摩天大楼,设计高度超过1000米,建成后将超过哈利法塔,成为世界最高建筑。

    Saudi Arabia 's Kingdom Holding is building a tower in Jeddah that is planned to surpass Burj Khalifa , rising more than a kilometre .

  12. 我们位于哈利法塔的159层。这里比大多数游客所前往的地方还高约35层。

    We 're standing on the 159th floor of the Burj Khalifa . That 's about 35 stories higher than most tourists get to go .

  13. 这家公司曾经承建了迪拜哈利法塔的浇注工程,是哈利法塔世界最高建筑物。

    Among its advancements , SANY built the pumping services for the construction of the Khalifa Tower in Dubai , which is the highest building in the world .

  14. 该设计取名为“云中漫步”,建成后将由3座摩天塔楼构成空中之城,最高的一栋仅比迪拜第一高楼哈利法塔矮几百英尺。

    Known as Cloud Citizen , the finished building would comprise three interlocking towers , the tallest only a few hundred feet shorter than Dubai 's monstrous Burj Khalifa .

  15. 哈利法塔称反恐法案的通过允许警察,他称有一个悠久的历史承诺可以采取法外处决,而不受惩罚。

    Khalifa claims the passing of the anti-terror bill has allowed the police , whom he says have a long history of committing extrajudicial killings , to act with impunity .

  16. 全球最高的五座建筑中有四座都参与了这项活动。全球第一高楼、高达828米的迪拜哈利法塔关掉了大约50万盏灯。

    Four of the world 's five tallest buildings turned off their lights with the tallest , the 828-metre Burg Khalifa in Dubai , switching off about half a million lights .

  17. 哈利法塔有半英里多高。它坐落于阿联酋的迪拜,这是个对沙尘暴并不陌生的国家。

    The Burj Khalifa stands more than half a mile high . It 's located in Dubai , United Arab Emirates , a place that 's no stranger to sand storms .

  18. 如果哈利法塔表明人们关于房地产周期的记忆是短暂的,那么房利美公司的调查则提示人们:某些教训根本就从未被理解和接受。

    If the Burj Khalifa shows that memories of property cycles are short , the Fannie Mae survey suggests that some of the lessons are never taken on board at all .

  19. 这座城市坐拥地球上最高的建筑——哈利法塔,还有阿拉伯塔酒店——坐落在人工岛上的帆船造型酒店。

    The city is home to the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa - as well as the Burj Al Arab , a sail-shaped hotel that sits on its own artificial island .

  20. 排在哈利法塔和上海中心大厦之后的世界第三高楼是麦加皇家钟塔,高度为601米(1972英尺)。

    After the Burj Khalifa and the Shanghai Tower , the world 's third tallest building is the Mecca Royal Hotel Clock Tower . The Mecca tower , designed by Dar Al-Handasah architects , is 1972ft ( 601m ) high .