
  • 网络periodic variable
  1. IRAS14122-5947:一颗新发现的超长周期变星

    IRAS 14122-5947 : A Newly Discovered Variable Star with Extra Long Period

  2. 渐近巨星分支(AGB)长周期变星研究进展

    Progresses in Studies on AGB Long-period Variable Stars

  3. 中等质量富金属AGB长周期变星的振动研究

    Pulsations of Intermediate-Mass Metal-Rich AGB Long Period Variables

  4. 按我们的观测,变星V879Sco不是一颗类似Tori的星云变星,而是长周期变星。

    According to our observation the variable star V 879 Sco is a long period variable star .

  5. 所选127个OH/IR脉泽源全部是有光学或红外证认的,其中大部分是光谱型>M5的长周期变星(主要是Mira变星)。

    AM the selected OH / IR sources have optical or infrared identification . Most of them are associated with late-type ( > M5 ) Mira variables .

  6. V879Sco是一颗长周期变星

    V 879 SCO is a long period variable star

  7. 长周期变星的演化及振动

    Evolution and Pulsation of Long Period Variables

  8. 短周期激变变星周期分布的新统计

    Newly Statistics on the Period Distribution of Short-Period CVs

  9. 热超短周期造父变星的共性

    The general properties of hot ultrashort period Cepheids