
  • 网络Wu Shu-chen;WU Shu-jen
  1. 在昨日之前,吴淑珍以健康不佳为由,17次拒绝接受庭审。

    Before yesterday Ms Wu had refused 17 court summonses , citing ill health .

  2. 在一份长达154页的起诉书中,检方还指控吴淑珍收受了与一项建筑工程相关的270万美元的回扣。

    Prosecutors also allege that Wu took a kickback of2.7 million US dollars in connection with a construction project in a154-page indictment .

  3. 吴淑珍看起来很虚弱,身着一件厚厚的、粉白色的滑雪服,除了打呵欠、咳嗽或按摩前额以外,她几乎一动不动。

    Ms Wu , looking frail and clad in a thick pink-and-white padded jacket , barely moved except to yawn , cough or massage her forehead .

  4. 然而,审判长蔡守训明确表示,他将努力防止辩护方借助这种争论和吴淑珍脆弱的健康状况来实施拖延战术。

    However , Yang Shou-hsun , the presiding judge , made clear he is keen to prevent the defence from employing this argument and Ms Wu 's frail health as delaying tactics .

  5. 台湾前第一夫人吴淑珍昨日承认为了认领国务机要费而伪造发票,但否认受贿和侵吞公款。吴淑珍被指控为一宗巨额欺诈案背后的主谋。

    Taiwan 's former first lady , the alleged mastermind behind a multi-million dollar fraud , yesterday admitted falsifying receipts to claim money from a special state fund , but denied bribery and embezzlement .