
tái wān dà xué
  • National Taiwan University
  1. 他还整改了招聘政策,从精英的国立台湾大学(NTU)成批挑选有才华的毕业生。

    He overhauled the hiring policy too , by picking promising graduates en masse from the elite National Taiwan University .

  2. 台湾大学(NationalTaiwanUniversity)管理学院教授柯承恩(KoChen-en)说:传统上,台湾的大企业家族将接班视为所有权和管理控制权的同时转移。

    Traditionally , Taiwan 's big business clans view succession as the transfer of ownership and management control together , says Ko Chen-en , a professor at National Taiwan University 's College of Management .

  3. 他是台湾大学的历史教授。

    He 's a history professor at National Taiwan university .

  4. 视野和信念&台湾大学心理学扬国枢教授的治学之道

    Professor Yang Guoshu : His Field of Vision and Faith

  5. 台湾大学医学院百年史

    Centenary history of College of Medicine , National Taiwan University

  6. 台湾大学校园规划之经验与策略

    Taiwan University Campus planning : some experiences and Strategies

  7. 傅斯年与台湾大学的教育理念

    Fu Si-nian and the Educational Idea of Taiwan University

  8. 台湾大学绿能屋的节能考虑与水土环境保护

    Energy-Saving and Conservation of Water and Soil in Taiwan University Green Energy House

  9. 校园重访:反省台湾大学1980年代的校园规划

    Rethinking the Taiwan University Campus Planning in 1980s

  10. 作者为国立台湾大学农业经济系教授。

    The authors is professor at Department of Agricultural Economics , National Taiwan University .

  11. 共有193名国立台湾大学学生参与本研究。

    One hundred and ninety three students at National Taiwan University participated in this study .

  12. 台湾大学院校通识教育现况:对于评鉴报告的初步观察

    General Education in Colleges and Universities in Present-day Taiwan : Some Observations of the Recent Evaluations and Accreditations

  13. 此文详细介绍了台湾大学评估的现状,分析其特点,对大陆的本科教学评估工作当有所裨益。

    This article introduces in detail the status of university assessment in Taiwan and analyses its features , which might be beneficial to the teaching assessment of undergraduate education in the mainland .

  14. 国立台湾大学的研究人员相信通过检测嘴部活动能够给医生提供病人饮食习惯,牙齿健康和总体健康水平的信息。

    Researchers at National Taiwan University believe that monitoring such oral behavior can provide doctors with a wealth of information about a patient 's dietary habits , dental hygiene and overall health .

  15. 这些优惠措施也招致了台湾大学经济学教授林向恺等经济学家的批评。他说,如果台湾希望自己的企业沿着价值链向上攀升,它需要采取措施鼓励这些企业提高自动化水平,而不是使用廉价劳工。

    The incentives have also drawn some criticism from economists such as Kenneth Lin , economics professor at National Taiwan University , who says the island needs to incentivize automation instead of cheap labor if it wants its companies to move up the value chain .

  16. 通过着重介绍香港中文大学与台湾大学两所学校实施通识教育的近况,借鉴其通识教育经验,内地大学应当具有更多办学自主权,加强通识教育的师资建设和理论研究。

    The present situation of general education in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the National Taiwan University are specially introduced . Benefiting from their experience , mainland universities should have more freedom to run schools , and strengthen the construction and theoretical study of the general education system .

  17. 做出这一发现的团队来自台湾国立大学(NationalTaiwanUniversity),他们现在将研究在较低的电压下,类似的技巧是否可行。

    The team behind the discovery , from National Taiwan University , will now look at whether a similar technique using lower voltages is feasible .

  18. 由西班牙IQS商学院、台湾辅仁大学(FuJenCatholicUniversity)和旧金山大学(UniversityofSanFrancisco)三家合办的管理学硕士项目排名升幅最大。

    The joint programme delivered by IQS of Spain , Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and the University of San Francisco saw the biggest rise .

  19. 台湾奖励大学教学卓越计划的实施及启示

    Performance and Enlightenment of Taiwan Excellent Scheme of Rewarding Higher School

  20. 美国与台湾研究型大学普通教育之比较研究

    A Comparative Study of General Education between the US and Taiwan

  21. 台湾的大学入学招生机构演变

    The College Entrance Enrollment Institutions in Taiwan and Their Evolution

  22. 台湾地区大学图书馆志工制度调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of University Library Volunteers Systems in Taiwan

  23. 台湾地区大学图书馆的发展及其启示

    Development of university libraries in Taiwan and its inspirations

  24. 台湾地区大学图书馆的特色

    Special Characteristics of the University Libraries in Taiwan Region

  25. 台湾的大学评估现状及特点评析

    The Status and Features of University Assessment in Taiwan

  26. 现阶段警察教育及训练问题之探讨&以台湾警察大学教育现况为例

    On the Education and Training for the Policemen Nowadays

  27. 国立台湾师范大学英语系毕业。

    Now , She is teaching English at National Huwei Senior High School .

  28. 吴湘玲毕业于台湾铭传大学,获旅游管理学士学位。

    Meg graduated from Taiwan 's Ming-Chuan College with a BA degree in Tourism Management .

  29. 台湾的大学多元入学考试

    The Multiple College Entrance Examination in Taiwan

  30. ·作者是台湾政治大学博士生。

    ( The writer is a PhD student at Taiwan 's National Chengchi University . )