
shuānɡ biān mào yì xié dìnɡ
  • bilateral trade agreement
  1. 中美两国通过长期谈判后订立了一项双边贸易协定。

    China and the United States concluded [ entered into ] a bilateral trade agreement after long negotiations .

  2. 英国与澳大利亚签署了双边贸易协定。

    Britain and Australia made a bilateral trade agreement .

  3. 欧盟(EU)将尝试改善发展中国家的工作条件,做法是在新的双边贸易协定中,要求其贸易伙伴达到最起码的劳工标准。

    The European Union will try to improve working conditions in the developing world by demanding that trade partners meet minimum labour standards in new bilateral trade deals .

  4. 与日本的贸易协定是欧盟着手的几项双边贸易协定之一。欧盟意识到,旨在通过世贸组织(WTO)达成一项全球贸易协定的多哈回合谈判已经失败,因此开始着手缔结双边贸易协定。

    A Japan deal is one of several bilateral trade agreements that the EU has embarked on amid a growing realisation that the Doha talks aimed at reaching a global pact through the World Trade Organisation have failed .

  5. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)和欧洲领导人昨日启动史上最大规模双边贸易协定的谈判。美国总统称,这项工作是他第二个任期的核心经济议程。

    Barack Obama and European leaders yesterday launched talks on the biggest bilateral trade deal in history , an initiative that the US president has put at the heart of his second - term economic agenda .

  6. 欧盟估计,双边贸易协定将增加42万份工作,尤其是在医药、商业服务、化工和饮食行业,同时将国内生产总值(GDP)提高0.8%。

    The EU estimates that a deal could add up to 420,000 jobs , particularly in pharmaceuticals , business services , chemicals and the food and drink sectors , while increasing gross domestic product by 0.8 per cent .

  7. 归功于北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)和一系列双边贸易协定,其的贸易总量比阿根廷和巴西加起来还要多,人均贸易量超过中国。

    Thanks to the North American Free-Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) and a string of bilateral deals , it trades more than Argentina and Brazil combined , and more per person than China .

  8. RCEP谈判目前正在东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)和与其订立了双边贸易协定的六个国家(中国、日本、印度、韩国、澳大利亚和新西兰)之间进行。

    RCEP is being negotiated by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and six countries with which it has bilateral trade agreements : China , Japan , India , South Korea , Australia and New Zealand .

  9. 他们一直在商谈一项双边贸易协定。

    They have been negotiating a bilateral trade deal .

  10. 欧盟与独联体国家双边贸易协定法律制度简论

    The Legal System of Bilateral Trade Agreements Between The EU and the CIS Members

  11. 例如,现行的蒙中双边贸易协定没有定义与适用范围条款。

    For example , in the existing agreement has not definition and scope of application provisions .

  12. 最近几年间,双边贸易协定如雨后春笋般发展起来,呈现出与以往不同的发展特点和趋势。

    In recent years , bilateral trade agreements have mushroomed developed , showing different characteristics and trends .

  13. 美国官员表示,未来的双边贸易协定可以用来说服美国国会将《贸易促进授权法案》延期。

    Future deals could be used to persuade Congress to extend the TPA next year , they say .

  14. 不过,推进欧盟-美国双边贸易协定,是在错误的时间传递错误的信号。

    But the bilateral EU-US deal is sending the wrong signal , and does so at the wrong time .

  15. 在过去十年中,没有任何一个国家像中国这样,对建立双边贸易协定如此热衷。

    No nation has entered into bilateral trade agreements over the past 10 years quite as enthusiastically as China .

  16. 不符合有关双边贸易协定、支付协定内容的进口货物;

    When the import of the goods does not conform to the contents of relevant bilateral trade and payments agreements ;

  17. 在多边或双边贸易协定中通常都有以某种形式存在的争议解决机制,中国&东盟自由贸易区也不例外。

    The bilateral agreements and multilateral agreements usually have one or another form dispute settlement mechanism , ASEAN is not exception .

  18. 没错,美国和欧盟都在寻求与多个贸易伙伴签订其他双边贸易协定。

    It is true that the US and the EU are both pursuing other bilateral trade agreements with a multitude of partners .

  19. 摘要:双边贸易协定是两国家之间调整它们相互的经济贸易关系的一种书面协议。

    ABSTRACT : The bilateral trade agreement is a written agreement to adjust their mutual economic and trade relations between the two countries .

  20. 在当前欧盟与韩国及印度正在进行的双边贸易协定谈判中,欧盟委员会还在寻求就投资问题达成相关协议。

    The Commission is also pursuing agreements on investment in current negotiations on bilateral trade deals between the EU and South Korea and India .

  21. 上述双边贸易协定(正式名称是自由贸易协定)迟迟不能付诸表决,很大程度上反映出了这一问题的危害性。

    That the bilateral trade deals , formally called free trade agreements , have languished so long largely reflects the toxicity the issue has acquired .

  22. 在未来大量双边贸易协定同时发挥作用的世界里,谁能保证贸易政策的一致性和公平的竞争环境?

    Who in the future is going to ensure consistency and a level playing field among the multitude of bilateral trade agreements in the world ?

  23. 但美国国会上周进行的另一场表决的重要性,可能要比这三个双边贸易协定大得多这三个协定的经济意义可谓微不足道。

    But another vote on Capitol Hill last week was potentially far more important than three bilateral trade deals , which are of minor economic significance .

  24. 奥巴马承认,由于对美韩全面贸易关系的误读,双边贸易协定已经变成一个政治足球。

    Mr Obama admitted that the trade deal had been turned into a political football by a misreading of the overarching trade relationship with South Korea .

  25. 挪威自2008年以来一直在与中国谈判,希望成为首个与中国达成双边贸易协定的欧洲国家。

    Norway has been negotiating with China since 2008 in an attempt to become the first European country to strike a bilateral trade accord with Beijing .

  26. 然而事实却是,茶党议员对双边贸易协定持强烈支持态度他们政治性格中的“厌恶政府”情绪超越了孤立主义情绪,占了上风。

    As it happens , tea party legislators strongly supported the bilateral trade agreements , the government-phobic trait in their political character winning out over the isolationist .

  27. 对此,中国提议与印度加快谈判双边贸易协定,以舒缓贸易和投资流动。这种双边贸易协定类似于自由贸易协定。

    China has responded by offering to accelerate a bilateral trade agreement with India , similar to a free trade agreement , to ease trade and investment flows .

  28. 乐观的、看重象征意义的人士,正在庆祝国会在美国-韩国、美国-巴拿马和美国-哥伦比亚双边贸易协定方面取得的进展,这些协定5年来一直未获批准。

    The optimistic symbolists are celebrating the Congressional progress of bilateral US trade agreements with South Korea , Panama and Colombia , which have languished unratified for half a decade .

  29. 一个流行的说法是,一些议员在对上述双边贸易协定表示赞成并因此触怒拥护保护主义的选民后,感到必须支持汇率法案,以表明自己抨击中国的立场。

    One popular theory is that some lawmakers feel compelled to support the currency bill to establish China-bashing credentials , after provoking the wrath of protectionist voters by backing the bilateral deals .

  30. 美国参议院一方面威胁提高对华贸易壁垒,另一方面则通过了与哥伦比亚、韩国和巴拿马的双边贸易协定,这种做法看似矛盾。

    It may seem contradictory that the Senate is threatening to raise barriers to trade with China even as it has just passed bilateral trade pacts with Colombia , South Korea and Panama .