
shuānɡ shēnɡ ér
  • twins
  1. 芜湖市198对双生儿的调查分析

    The screening and analysis of 198 pairs of twins in Wuhu

  2. 脾阙如和功能缺失:先天性脾阙如和脾功能减退症2例一对单卵双生儿患无脾综合征

    The absent and vanishing spleen : Congenital asplenia and hyposplenism-Two case reports Asplenia syndrome in a pair of monozygotic twins

  3. Emeril变成了一组经过完美设计的双生儿,或者两个以上更多的Emeril让我无所适从。

    Emeril had become a set of perfectly choreographed twin Emerils , which was one or possibly two more Emerils than I could handle .

  4. 用相似性法鉴别双生儿类型的准确率

    The accuracy of distinguishing twin type by means of similarities

  5. 两个人面孔不同,但是穿得象一对双生儿似的。

    Their faces were different , but they were dressed like twins .

  6. 上海地区260对双生儿的血型研究

    A Study of Blood Group In 260 Twin Pairs in District of Shanghai

  7. 双生儿分析法和非双生调查法对血压的影响因素分析

    Analysis on the factors of blood pressure through twinborn analytical method and non-twinborn investigation

  8. 鬼才双生儿&彭氏兄弟的电影十年

    10 Years Films of Peng Brothers

  9. 例如同卵双生儿,他们的成年体格似乎是与他们出生时的体重差异相对应的。

    Identical twins , for example , seem to end up at sizes that reflect the difference in their initial birth weights .

  10. 婴儿时期分开并个别抚养的同卵双生儿,被发现在个人的特质上,具有惊奇的一致性,因而可能是遗传特征。

    Personal idiosyncrasies that have been found to be surprisingly concordant among MZ twins separated in infancy and reared apart may be emergenic traits .

  11. 结果:双生儿分析法和群体调查其血压频数分布呈正偏态分布和出现双峰的现象;

    Results : The frequency of blood pressure presented a normal distribution and twin peak sign through the twinborn analytical method and group investigation .

  12. 结论:儿童血压频数分布双生儿呈正偏态分布,一般群体出现双峰。

    Conclusion : The blood pressure frequency of the twinborn children presents nomad distribution while the frequency of the general groups shows the twin peak sign .