
shuāng xià ba
  • double chin;jowl
双下巴[shuāng xià ba]
  1. 感谢收看“怎样减掉双下巴”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Lose A Double Chin .

  2. 他胖得有双下巴了。

    He was so fat that he had a double chin .

  3. 那个男人长着双下巴,胡子拉碴,快要谢顶了。

    The man was jowly , unshaven , balding .

  4. doublechin双下巴beerbelly啤酒肚sparetire备胎,腰部的赘肉(口语)muffintop腰部的赘肉middle-agedspread大腹便便你有双下巴嘛?

    Do you have a double chin ?

  5. 她是18世纪末约瑟夫·西弗尔·迪普莱西(JosephSiffredDuplessis)描绘的对象,她炫耀着自己的双下巴以及巧妙隐藏在半透明连衣裙下的丰腴胳膊和胸部。

    The subject of a late-18th-century portrait by Joseph Siffred Duplessis , she flaunts multiple chins , her fleshy arms and bosom becomingly veiled in a demi-sheer frock .

  6. 和双下巴说BYE-BYE

    Say Bye-Bye to Double Chin

  7. 这个中年人已有了双下巴,头发也日渐稀少。

    The middle-aged man already has double chins and receding hairline .

  8. 他抬头往上看,以使他的双下巴看不见。

    He looks upward so that his double chin doesn 't show .

  9. 别再提醒我我有双下巴了!

    Don 't ever mention about my double chin anymore .

  10. 摩登妇女都没有双下巴。

    Modern women don 't have a double chin .

  11. 若相机位置过低,你就会看起来有双下巴。

    Any lower and you 'll look like you have a double chin .

  12. 你已经开始有双下巴了。

    You have the beginnings of a double chin .

  13. 四下巴:预计未来人类会有比双下巴还夸张的四下巴。

    - Expect people to have quadruple chins .

  14. 瘦削双下巴,去除脂肪性眼袋有出众疗效。

    Slash the double chins and the fatty bags under the eyes like magic .

  15. 你想遮掩掉双下巴吗

    You trying to hide an extra chin ?

  16. 谢天谢地,还没出现双下巴,我想。

    No double chin yet , I thought .

  17. 但是她的双下巴却始终在那儿。

    But her chin is always there .

  18. 为了避免出现双下巴,拉长脖子,将脸部微微前伸。

    To avoid a double chin , elongate your neck and push your face forward a bit .

  19. 莱奥纳多:你的意思是我应该淡化这些凸出的眼睛,弯曲的鼻子,还有那个双下巴?

    Leonardo : You mean I should downplay bulging eyes , hooked noses , and double chins ?

  20. 如果她是双下巴,在她埋怨时看着她那块赘肉晃动。

    If she 's got a double chin , watch her flesh shake while she 's complaining .

  21. 美女拒绝双下巴

    BEAUTY LEG Double chin

  22. 我的脸瘦了,我不再担心微笑时有一个双下巴了。

    My face got thinner and I didn 't worry about having a double chin when I smiled .

  23. 史林特生得高头大马,一副双下巴,他听了这话立刻变得跟青蛙一样气鼓鼓的,光头顿时红了起来。

    Stout , jowly Janos Slynt puffed himself up like an angry frog , his bald pate reddening .

  24. 我身上的每一磅都想让别人来听它说话,我的双下巴到第12道下巴也是。

    Every pound on my body wants to be heard from , as do Chins Four through Twelve inclusive .

  25. 这次他有刚刚在鹏程做完了注射微整形,将自己的双下巴给去除了。

    This time he has just finished in pen distance , micro plastic injection of double chin to removed .

  26. 最近一次30多人的会员聚会上,只有一个人有明显的双下巴和小肚子。

    Of the 30-odd people at a recent meeting , only one had obvious jowls and a belly roll .

  27. 你甚至不需要害怕仰视拍摄(不过请别拍出双下巴!)。

    You don 't even need to be afraid of an upshot ( but pls , no double chins ) .

  28. 拉斯多尔-雷特福德太太身材庞大,前额突出,长着五六层双下巴,而且脾气很坏。

    Mrs. Rastall-Retford was a massive lady , with a prominent forehead , some half-dozen chins , and a very bad temper .

  29. 第三种不尽人意的照片是拍到双下巴;而女性喝得醉醺醺的照片被列入了黑名单第四位。

    The third picture ' no no ' is being shot with a double chin and fourth on the blacklist were obvious drunken shots .

  30. 更令人吃惊的或许是那些由于总在一个地方坐很久不动而长出下垂的双下巴的女人的数量。

    What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long .