
  • 网络orthoester;ortho ester;orthoesters
  1. 糖基原酸酯的电子轰击质谱研究

    The studies of Electron Impact Mass Spectra of Some Sugar Orthoesters

  2. 木薯淀粉黄原酸酯化后,木薯淀粉对NR具有明显的补强作用,复合材料的性能有了明显的改善。

    After Cassava Starch was xanthated , its strengthen effect on NR was obviously observed and the properties of composite improved greatly .

  3. 淀粉糊化或黄原酸酯化后,提高了淀粉粒子在NR中的分散程度,粒径显著减小,结构性高,改善了复合材料的结构与性能。

    After starch was pasted or xanthated , the dispersion degree of starch particles in NR matrix increased and particles dimension dramatically decreased .

  4. 在所研究的浓度范围内(4~8%),甲壳素黄原酸酯溶液均属于切力变稀非牛顿流体,且随着甲壳素浓度的增加和温度的降低,n值不断减小。

    The rheological properties of 4-8 % chitin xanthate solution are investigated for the first time : the chitin xanthate solution belongs to shear-thinning fluid . non-Newtonian Index increases with increasing solution temperature and decreases with concentration .

  5. 本文采用X-射线衍射和透射电镜研究了黄原酸酯-H2O2引发体系、底物聚集态结构的变化,考查了接枝产物的热塑性。

    The structure of the graft copolymers of methyl methacrylate onto soft wood sawdust initiated by xanthate-H2O2 was investigated by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy . The thermoplasticity of the grafted products was also examined .

  6. 实验研究表明:(1)在一定范围内,用碱量对制备黄原酸酯的影响最大,其次为稳定剂的用量,最末为CS2用量。

    The following results are indicated from the experiments : ( 1 ) In a certain range , alkali quantity affect the xanthate preparation most , And then stabilizer quantity , and CS2 dosage least .

  7. 改进了不溶性淀粉黄原酸酯(ISX)的合成工艺,并研究了合成的ISX在若干废水中去除Cu(II)、Fe(II)离子的影响因素和工艺条件。

    The synthesis of Insoluble Xanthate Starch ( ISX ) was modified and the effect factors and technical conditions for application of the synthesized ISX in treatment some wastewater containing Cu ( II ) or Fe ( II ) ions were also investigated .

  8. 采用乳液聚合,以二硫化二异丙基黄原酸酯作为链转移剂,制得黄原酸酯遥爪丁腈共聚物(XTBN)。

    With diisopropyl xanthogen disulfide as chain transfer agents , xantha-telechelic butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymer ( XTBN ) was prepared by emulsion polymerization .

  9. 采用木屑黄原酸酯(SCX)进行了处理铜离子废水试验,静态条件下研究了SCX-1对重金属离子的吸附性能,以及药剂用量、初水浓度、pH值和反应时间等条件对其效果的影响。

    The experimentation of sawdust cellulose xanthate in treatment of copper wastewater are discussed in the paper , the study mainly include its capability in adsorbing heavy metal and the affect under the other factors such as : dosage , concentration of wastewater , pH , time of reaction , etc.

  10. 不溶性淀粉黄原酸酯用于处理含镍废水

    The treatment of wastewater - containing nickel with Insoluble Starch Xanthate

  11. 不溶性淀粉黄原酸酯的合成及处理重金属废水的研究

    Insoluble Starch Xanthate Synthesis and Study of Heavy Metal Wastewater Treatment

  12. 木屑黄原酸酯法处理含铜废水的试验研究

    Study of Sawdust Cellulose Xanthate in Treatment of the Copper Wastewater

  13. 用稻草黄原酸酯净化锌液的新方法

    A new method of purifying zinc leaching solution with straw xanthate

  14. 不溶性淀粉黄原酸酯在处理含铜废水中的应用

    Application of Insoluble Starch Xanthate in Treatment of Wastewater Containing Copper Ions

  15. 木屑黄原酸酯的研制及在重金属废水处理中的应用

    Preparation of sawdust cellulose xanthate for the treatment of heavy metal wastewater

  16. 黄原酸酯光度法测定吸附在植物叶片上的铜

    Photometric determination of copper (ⅱ) adsorbed on plant leaves with cellulose xanthate

  17. 用纤维素黄原酸酯去除硫酸锌浸出液中的重金属杂质

    Removal of Heavy Metal Impurities from Zinc Sulphate Solutions with Cellulose Xanthate

  18. 不溶性淀粉黄原酸酯脱除废水中铜

    Copper removal from waste water with Insoluble Starch Xanthate

  19. 淀粉黄原酸酯的合成及其吸附性能的研究

    Study on Synthesis and Adsorption Properties of Starch Xanthate

  20. 黄原酸酯棉在富集微量元素上的应用

    Application of enriching trace elements using cotton cellulose xanthate

  21. 木屑黄原酸酯的合成及其在处理含镍废水中的应用

    Synthesis and Application of Sawdust Cellulose Xanthate in Treatment of Nickel Metal Wastewater

  22. 甲壳素黄原酸酯/聚丙烯腈复合纳滤膜的研究

    Study of chitin xanthate / polyacrylonitrile composite nanofiltration membrane

  23. 淀粉黄原酸酯&天然橡胶胶乳粘合剂的研制

    Preparation of the Adhesive of Starch Xanthate-Naturel Rubber Latex

  24. 谷子谷壳黄原酸酯对重金属离子的捕集作用

    Grain Xanthogenate and Its Heavy Metal Ions Acquisition

  25. 淀粉黄原酸酯吸附性能研究

    The study of adsorption properties of starch xanthate

  26. 稻草黄原酸酯法处理含铬废水

    Treatment of Chromium Containing Wastewater with Straw Xanthate

  27. 淀粉黄原酸酯在橡胶中的应用

    Starch Xanthate Using as Filler in Tire Tread

  28. 纤维素黄原酸酯对水中Ni~(2+)离子的吸附研究

    Adsorption of Cellulose Xanthate to Ni ~ ( 2 + ) Ions in Water

  29. 淀粉黄原酸酯的合成及捕集重金属离子性能研究

    Synthesis of Starch Xanthonate and Capability of Trapping Heavy Metal Ions from Wastes Water

  30. 蔗渣纤维素黄原酸酯的制备及应用研究

    Preparation of Bagasse Cellulose Xanthate and its Application