
  • 网络protoceratops;Protoceratop
  1. 原角龙是一种食草恐龙,体型和绵阳差不多大小。专家们都认为他们曾在白垩纪时期过着群居的生活。

    The Protoceratops was a vegetable-eating dinosaur about the size of a sheep that experts believe lived in herds during the Cretaceous Period .

  2. 在一个有趣的发现中,波兰古生物学家发现了一个在一具1965年在蒙古发现的,具有八千万年历史的原角龙骨架旁边保存完好的脚印。

    In a unique find , Polish palaeontologists found a perfectly preserved print next to the skeleton of an80million-year-old Protoceratops , which was dug up in1965 in Mongolia .