
yuán zǐ dàn bào zhà
  • explosion of atomic bomb
  1. 原子弹爆炸后,爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)曾说,唯一能拯救文明和人类的,就是创建一个世界政府。

    After the use of the atomic bomb , Albert Einstein argued that the only salvation for civilisation and the human race lies in the creation of world government .

  2. 不久之后,美国驻日大使约翰鲁斯(johnroos)成为第一位参加广岛原子弹爆炸周年纪念活动的美国公使。

    Shortly after , John Roos , US ambassador to Japan , became the first American envoy to join the annual commemoration of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima .

  3. 26例广岛原子弹爆炸受照者的染色体畸变分析

    The chromosome aberration analysis of 26 cases of Hiroshima a-bome survivors

  4. 但是刚才一颗原子弹爆炸了。

    But then we just got hit by a nuclear bomb .

  5. 我知道就是原子弹爆炸的地方。

    I know it 's where the atomic bomb went off .

  6. 这病是原子弹爆炸后引起的可怕后果之一。

    The disease was a frightening result of the atomic bomb .

  7. 原子弹爆炸的蘑菇云再度笼罩在沙漠的上空。

    The mushroom cloud of the A-bomb hung over the desert again .

  8. 原子弹爆炸总是伴随着巨大的火球。

    The atomic explosion is always accompanied by huge fireball .

  9. 这会像原子弹爆炸一样。

    It would take an atom bomb , brother .

  10. 用以熔接电路,令原子弹爆炸。

    Which enabled the fusing circuit to fire the weapon , causing it to detonate .

  11. 第一颗原子弹爆炸预示着改变,以及一个新时代的到来。

    The first explosion of the atomic bomb prophesied of change and a new age .

  12. 广岛的原子弹爆炸当量大约1.3万吨。

    For comparison , the bomb dropped on Hiroshima had a yield of about 13 kilotons .

  13. 许多人认为微粒掩蔽所并不能使他们免遭原子弹爆炸之害。

    Many people believe that a fallout shelter will not protect them from an atomic explosion .

  14. 我记得一周之前美国战地记者曾经告诉我:原子弹爆炸了。

    It was weeks later that some American journalists told me that it had been an atom bomb .

  15. 昨天看了国家地理频道的一个关于二战的实况节目,名为《广岛原子弹爆炸》。

    Yesterday , I watched a program called " The Atomic Explosion in Hiroshima " in the National Geography Channel .

  16. 事实上,他猜测说,上世纪50年代,在对身患癌症的原子弹爆炸幸存者进行登记之前,癌症发病率已经开始上升了。

    In fact he suspects tumors were already increasing in frequency in the 1950s , before the records were being kept .

  17. 广岛原子弹爆炸65年后,联合国秘书长潘基文宣布,让这个世界不再有核武器的时候到了。

    65 years after Hiroshima , UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared that it was time to free the world of nuclear weapons .

  18. 没想到远处立刻升腾起蘑菇状的黑云(同原子弹爆炸一样的反应)

    Unexpectedly , a shroud of black cloud like a big mushroom rose in the distance immediately as if an atom bomb exploded .

  19. 美国一些城市的市政会议和公共无线电广播中的辩论等各种场合,也同样引用了与原子弹爆炸相关的数据。

    Similar evidence from the atomic bombings has been cited in settings as varied as American city council meetings and debates on public radio .

  20. 日本原子弹爆炸约2-5年后在幸存者中首次发现白血病风险升高。

    An elevated risk of leukaemia was first found among the survivors of the atomic bombings in Japan some two to five years after exposure .

  21. 这在一个发生过海啸和原子弹爆炸事件的国家来讲,怎么准备都不为过,所以已经有人下了订单。

    And with a recent history of tsunami and nuclear accident in that country , you can never been too prepared . In fact , people are already making orders .

  22. 其中日本原子弹爆炸幸存者,在辐射暴露后的几年里患白血病的风险增加了,而患其他癌症的风险也在辐射暴露的十年后增加了。

    Among the Japanese atomic bomb survivors , the risk of leukaemia increased a few years after radiation exposure , whereas the risks of other cancers increased more than 10 years after the exposure .

  23. 除了联合国围绕切尔诺贝利事故的报告以外,关于人类辐射最详实的调查就数美日两国联合进行的幸存者研究了&这里的幸存者指的广岛和长崎20万名受原子弹爆炸影响的人群。

    Besides the U.N. 's Chernobyl report , the most extensive data on human exposure to radiation is the American-Japanese joint study of hibakusha ' explosion-affected persons ' the 200,000 survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki .

  24. 这次试验是中国继第一颗原子弹爆炸成功后,在核武器发展方面的又一次飞跃,标志着中国核武器的发展进入了一个新阶段。

    This test is China , after the first atom bomb explosion fry success , in the development of the nuclear weapons and a leap , marks China 's nuclear weapons have entered a new phase .

  25. 如果你回顾一下上个世纪,1929年的经济大衰退,两次世界大战,还有原子弹爆炸,但美国仍然做的很棒。

    If you look at the last century , we had that Great Depression and World War Two , we had the Cold War , we had the atomic bomb , but the country does well .

  26. 广岛和长崎原子弹爆炸中幸存下来的日本人患上脑瘤,这种事听起来令人心生恐惧,因为它告诉我们癌症可在人体内隐藏数十年,然后突然发生转移。

    Tumors in the brains of Japanese civilians who survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki seem to tell a frightening tale , the story of how a cancer epidemic can remain hidden for several decades and then suddenly metastasize .

  27. 而且,他还对将原子弹爆炸辐射与手机辐射相提并论这种做法表示质疑(原因在于原子弹爆炸在瞬间产生巨大电离辐射,而手机只产生上千个小量的电离辐射。)

    He is skeptical about drawing parallels between atomic bomb radiation and cell phone radiation ( since the A-bombs deliver ionizing radiation in one big dose , while cell phones deliver non-ionizing radiation in thousands of small doses . )

  28. 广岛消防队的唯一一台云梯车也被炸毁,原子弹爆炸的冲击波和大火摧毁了广岛西城区主要的救火站,该救火站位于炸心1200米处。

    The Hiroshima Fire Department lost its only ladder truck when its West Side main fire station was destroyed by the blast and fire of the atomic bomb , 1,200 m ( 4,000 ft ) from ground zero . ( U.S.

  29. 他认为明天原子弹会爆炸?不是哑了吗?

    He thinks the a-bomb 's going off tomorrow . lsn 't it dumb ?

  30. 俄国原子弹的爆炸打破了美国对核武器的垄断。

    The explosion of the russian atomic bomb break the american monopoly on nuclear weapons .