
  • 网络eros;E-ros
  1. 在希腊神话中,厄洛斯被奉为爱神。

    In Greek myths , Eros is the God of love .

  2. 他们的几个孩子中有一个名叫厄洛斯,就是那长有翅膀的爱神。

    One of their children was eros , the winged God of love .

  3. 厄洛斯是人想要得到更好的东西。

    It 's somebody wanting to get better , something better .

  4. 厄洛斯的更类似于想象力的那部分。

    The erotic is more of the imagination part .

  5. 其次,人不仅仅是逻各斯的动物,非理性的厄洛斯永远困扰着人类的理性文明。

    Secondly , the irrationality of eros will perplex the rational civilization forever .

  6. 不,我就是这么认为的,因为厄洛斯的是。

    Yeah , I think so , because the erotic is a way of .

  7. 友情,这是它与厄洛斯的不同之处。

    Friendship , that 's the big difference .

  8. 皮卡迪利广场上最醒目之物是广场中心的厄洛斯爱神像。

    The most striking thing about Piccadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the centre .

  9. 我对厄洛斯的的作用的理解,不是从文明,有组织的政府的角度。

    The way I interpret this . I mean not so much civilization idea , organized government .

  10. 我的理解是厄洛斯的表示通过运用想象,超越所爱的人或者欣赏美好的事物。

    I interpret it as the use of imagination to excel the beloved or to appreciate the beautiful things .

  11. 我觉得说没有厄洛斯的就不会,有文明还是很强烈的说法。

    I guess it 's still a very strong statement to say that without the erotic there will be no civilization .

  12. 在古希腊神话中,他被称作厄洛斯,是爱与美之神阿佛洛狄忒的小儿子。

    In ancient Greece he was known as Eros , the young son of Aphrodite , the goddess of love and beauty .

  13. 我只是想作为插曲简单解释一下,中世纪基督教的一个概念,也就是厄洛斯。

    I want to make this a little bypass to explain the concept in medieval Christianity which is the concept of eros .

  14. 有些资料说她是爱神厄洛斯的女儿,也有说她和厄洛斯都是混沌之神卡俄斯的孩子。

    Some sources say that she is the daughter of Eros and other sources say that both she and Eros are children of Chaos .

  15. 美狄亚,国王埃厄忒斯的女儿,被厄洛斯的神箭射中,和伊阿宋一起寻觅金羊毛,最后成为这位英雄的妻子。

    Medea , daughter of king Aeetes , was wounded by Eros'arrows , took Jason 's part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero 's wife .

  16. 首先,亚里士多德由柏拉图的厄洛斯,衍生出了菲利亚一词,他对爱情进行了重新定义,将其定义为更取决于理性而非激情的东西。

    So first of all , Aristotle derived the term philia from Plato 's eros , and he redefined love as something that is more dependent on reason than on passion .

  17. 这在神话中的起源应该是,一个叫做厄洛斯的神这个形象,他是爱神,爱情女神阿佛洛狄忒的儿子。

    The mythological source is in the sort of mythological character of the God called Eros , who is the God of love , the son of Aphrodite , the Goddess of love .

  18. 甚至有说尼克斯是厄洛斯的母亲,她在厄瑞波斯的怀中孕育了一个无胚蛋卵,多年以后,长有金色翅膀的厄洛斯便出生了。

    Some sources even say that NYX is the mother of Eros and that she laid a germless egg in the bosom of Erebus and the golden-winged Eros was born ( after many long ages ) .

  19. 因此有厄洛斯的吸引,不表示会成为恋情,或者婚姻,但它也是一种爱。

    So that just for there be the erotic attachment doesn 't mean it 's gonna be love of a romantic sort , or of a marital sort , but it 's a kind of love .

  20. 关于想象,我认为那属于厄洛斯,但并非说想象就能定义厄洛斯,厄洛斯的,我不应该说厄洛斯,是厄洛斯的。

    About the imagination , I think of that as belonging to eros , but it isn 't as if that defines eros , the erotic . I shouldn 't say eros . I mean the erotic .