
  • 网络Egg maturation;oocyte maturation;ova maturation
  1. 细胞极性与卵子成熟和胚胎发育的关系

    Relationship between Cell Polarity and Oocyte Maturation or Early Embryo Development

  2. 卵子成熟机理的蛋白质组学研究

    Proteome Studies on Molecular Mechanisms of Oocyte Development

  3. 鳙鱼卵子成熟过程的细胞学研究

    A cytological study of the maturation of the ovum of the bighead , Aristichthys nobilis

  4. 在卵子成熟期,滤泡细胞由内向外依次解体,血窦萎缩。

    At the autumn of eggs , follicular cells started to retrogress sequentially from the inner layer to the outer layer , sinuses atrophied .

  5. 原始卵泡是一种处于休眠状态的卵泡,它一旦被启动便是一个不可逆的连续的分化和发育过程,要么变成优势卵泡,使卵子成熟与排放;要么中途闭锁退化。

    Once started primordial follicles will enter the continuous process of differentiation and development irreversibly till they become dominant follicles which can mature and ovulate or degenerate halfway .

  6. 统计分析结果表明,各组平均每尾雌鳝第一批繁殖力在个体绝对繁殖力中所占的比例以第Ⅳ组最高,说明40%蛋白质水平能促进卵巢发育,促进卵子成熟。

    The analysis showed that the first fecundity / absolute fecundity ratio per female was highest from females fed with 40 % protein , which revealed that 40 % dietary protein possibly promoted the ovary development and egg maturation .

  7. 因此,对卵子成熟过程中线粒体的分布和功能变化的研究,有利于进一步了解生殖生理,并为解决辅助生育技术中所面临的难题提供新的思路。

    Therefore , researches on the changes of distribution and function of mitochondria during maturation of oocyte will not only be helpful to understand reproductive physiology , but also provide new insights to resolve the problems to be faced with assisted reproductive technology .

  8. 卵子的成熟核相为第一次成熟分裂中期。

    The nuclear phase of the mature egg is of metaphase of the first mature division .

  9. 这些细胞学特征表明闭锁小体可分泌类固醇激素,以调节正常卵子的成熟。

    These cytological features displayed that the corpora atretica may secrete steroid hormones and regulate normal ovum maturation .

  10. 家畜体外受精,因卵子体外成熟和受精卵体外培养尚不过关,目前仍停留在实验室阶段。

    In vitro fertilization of domestic animal stay in experiment stage , because in vitro mature of egg and in vitro culture of fertilized egg were not successful .

  11. 由于卵子不成熟、卵子成熟期已过、怀孕、服用避孕药或者卵巢功能紊乱等原因导致卵子无法排出。自然排卵周期与促排卵周期宫腔内供精人工授精的妊娠情况比较

    The absence of ovulation due to immaturity or post-maturity or pregnancy or oral contraceptive pills or dysfunction of the ovary . Comparison of Pregnancy Results of Natural Ovulation Cycle and Superovulation Cycle of Intrauterine Artificial Insemination by Donor

  12. 成熟培养后,A、B类卵子的质成熟率(231%和108%)显著低于D类卵子(882%)(P<001)。

    After IVM , the CM rates of A and B ( 23.1 % and 10.8 % ) were significantly lower than that of D ( 88 2 % , P < 0 01 ) .

  13. 另外,不同生长期植物叶片的成熟度可能对植物δ13C的变化有一定的贡献.小鼠体外发育与体内发育成熟卵子胞浆成熟度和细胞骨架比较

    In addition , different maturation of leaves may partly contribute to the variations of δ ~ ( 13 ) C values . Ooplasm Maturation and Cytoskeleton Are Less Optimum in Oocytes from In Vitro Growth Follicles

  14. “我们相信没有更年轻的患者进行过卵子采集、体外成熟及卵子的冷冻”。

    We believe no younger patients have ever undergone egg collection , in-vitro laboratory maturation and egg freezing .

  15. 精子入卵后去致密并且激发卵子恢复两次成熟分裂,排放出第一及第二极体,完成成熟分裂;

    With the activation of the dispersed sperms , the eggs released their first and second polar bodies and finished their meiotic division .

  16. 卵子回收率、成熟率、受精率、卵裂率及胚胎种植率均显著高于对照周期。

    Oocyte retrieval rate , maturation rate , fertilization rate and cleavage rate in follicular aspiration group were greatly higher than those in control group .

  17. 科学家今年报告称,他们成功培育出人造卵巢,将来有一天可让人类卵子在体外发育成熟,这对于那些不孕不育的人来说无疑是个好消息。

    In more good news for those struggling with infertility , scientists reported success in creating an artificial ovary that could one day nurture immature human eggs outside the body .