
  • 网络Casanova;Fellini's Casanova
  1. 2013年夏季,麦当劳日本改组了管理层。美国总部指派在麦当劳工作了24年的老将萨拉•卡萨诺瓦(SarahCasanova)执掌日本部门。

    McDonald 's Japan had its own management shake-up in the summer of 2013 when the US head office brought in Sarah Casanova , a 24-year McDonald 's veteran , to run the local unit .

  2. 曼哈顿切尔西街区的一条街预定将在6月底禁止行人通行,因为届时将有一台150英尺(约合45米)高的起重机要将13个品种的成年大树送上让-洛朗・卡萨诺瓦(Jean-LaurentCasanova)复式公寓的屋顶。

    A block in Manhattan 's Chelsea neighborhood is scheduled to be closed to pedestrian traffic later in June while a 150-foot crane lifts 13 species of mature trees onto the roof of Jean-Laurent Casanova 's duplex apartment .

  3. 这个地方是浪荡子卡萨诺瓦的,啊?

    So this place belonged to the libertine casanova , eh ?

  4. 另一方面呢,你,卡萨诺瓦先生。

    On the other hand , there is you , Signor casanova .

  5. 不要滥用我对你的同情,卡萨诺瓦。

    Do not abuse my sympathy for you , casanova .

  6. 我们有卡萨诺瓦家的地址吗?

    Do we have the address of casanova 's house ?

  7. 好了,好了“卡萨诺瓦”,来吧

    Okay , okay " Casanova , " come on .

  8. 我怎么知道你是真的卡萨诺瓦?

    How do I know you 're really casanova ?

  9. 好啊,那快把犯人卡萨诺瓦放了。

    Well , then , release the prisoner casanova .

  10. “卡萨诺瓦在码头见到了帕怕奇奥”

    " Casanova met with Papprizzio at dockside . "

  11. 卡萨诺瓦先生,这次似乎又认错人了。

    Signor casanova , this seems to be another case of mistaken identity .

  12. “卡萨诺瓦把这只猪送到了布鲁尼家”

    " Casanova took pig to Bruni house . "

  13. 这是卡萨诺瓦的宅邸吗?

    Is this the palazzo of Signor Casanova ?

  14. 卡萨诺瓦承诺,将通过加强供应商审核等措施确保食品安全。

    Ms Casanova has promised steps to ensure food safety through increased audits of suppliers .

  15. 只是要绞死一个异端和卡萨诺瓦。

    Just hanging a heretic and casanova .

  16. 卡萨诺瓦是一声名狼藉的嫖客,在其风流的出轨行为前有饮用巧克力的习惯。

    Casanova , the infamous womanizer , made a habit of drinking chocolate before his romantic escapades .

  17. 卡萨诺瓦去年7月出席一个记者会时,外界批评她未能展现足够的歉意。

    When Ms Casanova appeared at a news conference in July , she was criticised for failing to appear apologetic enough .

  18. 康奈尔大学的卡萨诺瓦说,甚至在这场耗资140亿美元的盛事还没有开始前,巴西公众就已经发出了暴风骤雨般的反对声浪,康奈尔大学的卡萨诺瓦说:。

    The public backlash has rained on Brazil 's $ 14 billion parade even before it has started , says Cornell 's Casanova .

  19. 卡萨诺瓦说,如此大规模的宣传活动特别有利于旅游业,卡萨诺瓦说。他的家乡巴塞罗那曾经主办过1992年奥运会。

    Such massive publicity will particularly benefit tourism , says Casanova , who is originally from Barcelona , host of the 1992 Olympics .

  20. 著名作家卡萨诺瓦,有很多情事,因此他的名字,成为一个唐璜性格类型的代名词。

    Casanova the famous writer who had lots of love affairs , so his name has become synonymous with a Don Juan type of character .

  21. 卡萨诺瓦在牢房之中偷偷搞到了一个钢钉,随后他和附近牢房里的一个变节牧师相勾结,联手挖通了牢房的天花板。

    After smuggling a metal spike into his cell , Casanova and a renegade priest confined nearby managed to tunnel through the ceiling of their cells .

  22. 如果卡萨诺瓦突然变成罗密欧,和朱丽叶共进晚餐,谁会成为克利欧佩特拉,你觉得先上什么?

    Gaston Monescu : If Casanova suddenly turned out to be Romeo having supper with Juliet , who might become Cleopatra , how would you start ?

  23. 著名人物回归是小说中人们熟悉的一个主题&想想唐吉诃德,卡萨诺瓦或胡安裴隆多明戈。

    The return of a famous figure is a familiar theme in life as in fiction & think Don Quixote , Casanova or Juan Domingo Per ó n.

  24. 这届世界杯背后的想法是,让整个国家分享足球的快乐,同时借此机会全面改善巴西的基础设施,卡萨诺瓦说。

    The idea behind the World Cup was to let the whole country share in it , while providing an opportunity to improve its infrastructure across the board , says Casanova .

  25. 但是卡萨诺瓦的团队未能专注于遏止销售下滑,而是遭遇一连串麻烦的困扰——从去年7月中国供货商爆出鸡肉安全问题开始。

    But instead of stemming the slide in sales , Ms Casanova 's term has been plagued by a series of troubles that began with a chicken safety scare at its China-based supplier last July .

  26. 在之后的一本畅销回忆录中,卡萨诺瓦详细描写了这次越狱经历,尽管书中的描写可能经过了艺术的加工和夸张,但是越狱现场的证据显示他的描写基本属实。

    Casanova would later write about the escape in a popular memoir , and though many have speculated that the story may be embellished , evidence from scene of the jailbreak seems to back up his account .